Chapter 45 - By Your Side

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Ed Sheeran – Small Bump

 **Kendra’s POV**

“So now we wait…” I said sitting down on the couch with Mom and Kylie. 

“I just hope everything is alright…” My mom said worriedly.

“Mom everything’s fine, and if not I’ll get through it! God doesn’t give you obstacles you can’t handle.”

“Yeah you’re right, I’m thinking positive!” Mom said adjusting her position to sit up straight.

“When do you think they will call?” Kylie asked.

“I have no clue.”

“Well I’m going to run to the store.” My mom said getting up. My mom kissed my forehead and left. She always goes shopping when she’s nervous.

“So let’s watch something…” Ky said handing me the remote, and of course I flicked on SpongeBob. “Ummm … yeah no …” She grabbed the control and put on Keeping up with the Kardashians. 


I love this show, but I wasn’t really paying attention. My mom wasn’t the only one worried and nervous because, I was too. There’s something wrong with me and I want to know now! Interrupting my thoughts Austin texted me saying …


Austin: Babe do you know what’s wrong? Did the doctors tell you yet?

Me: Nope still waiting … I’ll text you right when I find out promise!

Austin: Alright!

---End of Text---

Kylie and I watched TV some more. Every time my phone vibrated we flipped out hoping they were the results.

Buzz, Buzz

“OMG check who it is!” Kylie shouted.

“False alarm, it’s just Twitter.” I responded.

“Oh my goodness this is ridiculous!”

“You have to be patient Kylie!”

“I’m trying! You make it look so easy!” She said.

Buzz, Buzz! Buzz, Buzz!

“OMG TWITTERSHUT UP!” She shouted grabbing my phone. “Oh … it’s not twitter!”

“Give me the phone!” I shouted while grabbing it from her hands.


Me: Hello?

Doctor’s Office: Hello, is this Kendra Anderson?

Me: Yes it is …

D.O.: We have you’re results.

Me: What are they? Please tell what’s wrong with me...

D.O.: Okay we looked into you’re test, and the results show you’re pregnant … congratulations!

Me: Is this some kind of joke?

D.O.: No, no this is not your test came out saying you’re pregnant..

Me: I swear if this is Alex … I’m going to murder you … this isn’t funny anymore!

D.O.: I’m sorry ma’am, but my name is Dr. Seamor I do lab work and there is not an Alex that works in this Doctor’s Office … I’m sorry.

Me: Umm alright thank you though…

D.O.: You’re very welcome have a nice day Miss. Anderson

---End Of Call---

"So what did he say!? And why did you ask if it was Alex?" Kylie asked very curiously.

"Kylie... he said I'm pregnant..."

"WHAT THE SNICKER DOODLES NO! Are you serious right now? Haha funny Kendra really funny... it’s a stomach bug right?"

"Yes, Kylie I am serious, he said I'm pregnant..." I said softly.

"How did this happen!?....Well I know how it happened but oh my god!" Kylie said surprised. "Are you going to tell Austin?" She asked.

"I have to; I can’t keep this a secret from him..."

"Kendra this is all crazy! Wait Austin's the father right? "

"Of course he is!" I said hitting her arm.

We stopped talking when we heard the front door open. "Mom is that you?" Kylie asked.

"Yup has the doctor called?" She asked walking in the living room with many shopping bags in her hands.

"Mom, take a seat..." I said scared of her reaction. She could either be really supportive or be mad and kick me out the house either one...

"Oh my god what happened girls? Is everything alright?"

"Well the doctor called and well..."

"Oh great what did he say?" Mom asked waiting for something positive in response.

"Well they looked into the test and I don't have a stomach bug and I'm not sick..."

"Okay well cut to the chase!"

"I'm pregnant and Austin's the father." I blurted out. I couldn't really tell if she was mad or not, the stare on her face was just blank and she got pale. "So..."

"I have nothing good to say to you Kendra because I'm not happy, I'm disappointed..." And with that she got up and left to only god knows where!

"Kendra..." Kylie said softly. I had nothing to say to that response, my words were taken away. She's disappointed in me...

"Kylie what if Austin's reaction is like that or worse..."

"His reaction will be nothing like that, Mom's just surprised in a weird, bad way I guess.”

"I don't know what to do. Out of everyone I thought Mom would be there first for me but she walked out on me." Tears streamed down my face as Kylie hugged me for support.

"Don't think Mom was the only one who was going to support you. Austin, Alex, Robert, Taylor, Zach, Tyler and Me... We’re all here for you. And when you tell Austin or the whole crew I'll be sitting right here by your side holding your hand."

"Thanks Ky, love you."

"Love you too."

[A/N: Okay this was short I guess but yes she is pregos, I know it happen in every fanfic but I need her to for the ending! And next chapter, Chapter 46 is the LAST chapter! The story is coming to an end! How do you think it the story end? Leave how you think it will end in the comments! But I already have the end planned out :) Thanks for reading means a lot LOVE YOU GUYS STAY SWAGGY <3]

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