8. The Heart of a Beast

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Dedicated to Saphire--flames for being my first follower! I appreciate her from the bottom of my heart!

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors


Suzzanah's POV

I had become the girl who had stared death in the face...or so I thought, because those who stare death in the face, they...well, they die, but for me...it never came, even when I thought I was ready for it, well, that is, as ready as I'll ever be, to die. But my waiting was only rewarded by more waiting.

Somewhere along the course of events I had clamped my eyes shut, because I didn't want the last thing I'd ever see to be the inside of a wide animal's ravenous mouth with forty something razor sharp teeth ready to sink into me. But I soon figured out that doing so was indeed a very bad idea because it just made the trepidation and anxiety worse.

The idea of playing dead occurred to me much later in the sequence of events following my sighting of the wolf, so despite my voracious nagging need to want to do so, I held myself back, telling myself that it would only make me hope for something that wasn't meant to be...or was it?

It seemed like hours had passed since I shut everything out and my world became black, but in reality it had probably only been a few exhausting seconds.

I couldn't feel my body. I didn't know whether it was owing to the fear or the blood loss, but a small part of me was grateful for the numbness. Hopefully it would last till the end.

But when is the end?!

I knew that in the last few seconds there hadn't been any movement on my part, but why did it seem like there hadn't been any movement on the wolf's part either?

Have I not only gone numb but also deaf?

Somewhere in the distance a bird sang to the open sky and I felt my ears return to me and I both praised and cursed the feeling. Suddenly I felt extremely auditory. I could hear the wind moving, blades of grass rustling, the leaves falling and my heart beating.

But I couldn't hear the wolf, not at all.

But of course my thought was negated once again when I heard a soft sniff coming from right next to my face, making me go into Rigor mortis. Then another sniff came from near my shoulder, another by my waist, yet another by my thigh and back up by my face again.

I'm being sniffed like a piece of roast chicken on thanksgiving!

The sniffing went on and on and on till I was so sick of the sound that I was ready to slap the stupid animal.

Oh for crying out loud! My body odor is the same on all parts of my body!

I had already heard too much sniffing for one day in the office, and to think the only normal occurrence of it had to be from this creature standing upon me right now!

I wished that it would either eat me or leave me alone, the latter being my desperate and only prayer- none made for being alive at the end of the day- because even if the animal didn't kill me, the anxiety most definitely would.

But regardless the sniffing continued, much to my chagrin.

I stayed unmoving even when I heard it sniff my battered calf, even though on the inside I wanted to scream at a note not yet attempted in the natural world, but it was when a soft wet mobile thingamajig skimmed my wound that I jumped twenty feet into the air and back.

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