40. The Unexpected Unfolds

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Unconditionally Book 1 is to be called:


Dedicated to boysOvaflower for your incredible comments and lovely votes. Thanks hon!

A huge shoutout to intrudawindow for your heartfelt comments and wonderful votes. Thank you!

This chapter is unedited so kindly excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


"Just because the process hurts doesn't mean the results won't be beautiful" - Unknown

Suzzanah's POV

It took me two seconds to realize that I had stopped breathing. Zuerien's intense gaze kept drifting from my lips to my wide eyes as though he was wondering if he should wait for me to react or just go ahead and do...what he wanted to do.

"And now...I want to claim my prize"

An involuntary hiccup left my lips making amusement seep into his darkening gaze.

"What the matter Suzzanah?" he asked, his lips tugging into a smirk, "You suddenly look rather pale"

My heart was thundering inside of me as multiple possibilities of what he could ask me to do for him raced through my mind, ranging from extremely explicit to plain embarrassing.

Or both!

He suddenly leaned closer and both my palms flattened against his chest, "WAIT!" I literally squawked, "This is against the rules!"

"Rules?" he asked raising an eyebrow, "And when exactly did we establish any rules?"

"The general rules!" I said, pushing at his rock hard chest, "Like the winner gets what he wants when he wins, not if he wins!"


"SO, you only get what your...ahem...prize when you win the finals", I told him, "And those haven't happened yet"

"I told you I already defeated-"

"That is irrelevant!" I cut him off hurriedly, "You only get the prize when you win in the finals"

He narrowed his eyes at me and I mirrored his expression, "If you're so confident that you'll win, then beat him in the finals and claim the prize rightfully", I told him, knowing that I was still digging my own grave but this was the only way I could buy some time, at least to prepare myself mentally, "Unless of course", I smirked at him knowing this would do the trick, "You aren't that confident that you'll win after all"

In a split second his face was less than half an inch away from mine, his nose grazing my own, his lips merely centimeters away.

"You should be careful what you say mate", he whispered as his eyes burned with an intense fire, "Provoking me will only make things harder for you in the end"

I gulped, pressing my lips in a straight line, knowing he was right.

A smirk formed of his lips as he said, "Very well, have it your way", a soft gasp escaped my lips as he moved away, just enough to let me breathe in my own personal space, "I'll claim my prize after I win the finals day after tomorrow"

I exhaled a ragged breath, feeling relief flood my body, only for it to disappear in the blink of an eye when he added, "But you're just delaying the inevitable Suzzanah", he drawled out, the smirk never leaving his face, "Because you know just as well as I do, that I'll win"

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