33. Enigmatic Women

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The incredible cover on the side was made by Eloise2424. Thank you!

Dedicated to virgogirl1 for your amazing support and love for this story. Your comments bring a HUGE smile to my face every time. Thanks for reading darling!

A huge shoutout to cherry92blossem for your wonderful votes, comments and support. Thanks hun!

IMPORTANT NOTE: For all my younger readers as well as those who are uncomfortable with some intimate content, please skip the part between *~*~* and *~*~*

This chapter is unedited so kindly excuse the grammatical errors.


Zuerien's POV

Closing the door behind me, I sighed as I felt a heaviness weighing down on me.

I wasn't always like this...

I looked at the door that now separated me from the one person in this world that I cherished more than life itself.

My Suzzanah...

It was but a measly piece of wood, but it was there, and that fact was enough to make me feel somewhat helpless and a whole lot burdened.

There will always be barriers between us, ones that were put there by others, and ones that I put up myself. Barriers...that will never let me get too close to her.

I touched the wood, the surface feeling solid, rough and cold under my palm. I was much like this wood, solid, rough and cold.

I didn't care about anything but my duties as an Alpha and as a King. The Werewolf Kingdom and all its people were my responsibility. A responsibility passed down to me by my parents, and one I would fulfill till my very last breath.

There were never any emotional attachments in my life. It was true that John, Cole and General Reginald were closer to me than others, but I could never open up to them. I could never tell them how I was...feeling.

Because feelings are for the weak...right?

As a King, and an Alpha, I could never show weakness. I could never hang my head. I could never break down.

That was all I had ever been taught, and that was all I had ever believed, since that day that my heart's most beloved ones were taken away from me.

I was okay. I didn't care much for feelings anyway. I didn't care much for anything except doing my duties. I had promised my parents and I wouldn't disappoint them.

So why is it, that with her, I can't help but want to feel...

I sighed and retrieved my hand, letting it fall to my side. I never thought something like this could happen to me. I had never thought that one day I'd come across someone who could awaken emotions within me that I didn't even think I had anymore.

I didn't think I had the ability to feel. After all, before she came along, I didn't even have a heart.

But now she is here, and no matter how I try to stop it, my heart keeps beating, it keeps beating harder...

When had I grown so attached to her? When had I given her such power over me?

Maybe it had been earlier today, when she had told both Kai and me that she would always be here, she would always be here for us.

Unconditionally- The Beginning Of RevelationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin