BONUS: Christmas Kerfuffle

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A special bonus chapter- Christmas Edition!

My Christmas gift to you all! I hope you like it.



Although this chapter takes place after the completion of the first book, and before the beginning of the second, it doesn't really have anything to do with the plot or story-line of the Unconditionally Series. When the second book begins, the events in this chapter may not necessarily have taken place. It's just a fun bonus chapter to celebrate the end of the year, so enjoy!


This chapter is unedited, so please excuse the grammatical errors


Suzzanah's POV

"An invitation to visit your relative for Christmas?"

Rino grinned and nodded at me, twirling the letter that had just arrived for him in the mail, between his fingers.

I smiled, "Sounds like fun!" I said.

"It is!" he said, getting off the table on which he was seated and walking up to me, "But you know what the best part is?"

I looked at him expectantly from the couch and he grinned before handing me the letter.

"Read it, you'll see", he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

I stared at the letter, surprised, "A-Are you sure? Isn't this personal?"

"Rino doesn't know what that word means", Marco said, walking into the room with Mr. Talon in tow.

Rino's face lit up, "Yuko! Bacon!"

Both Marco and Mr. Talon stopped dead in their tracks and even looked around the room to see if he was referring to someone else before it sunk in.

"Its Marco!"

"And Talon!"

They both corrected him vehemently while I burst out laughing at what Rino had just called them.

"Oh! Really?" Rino said, wide eyed.

"How the hell does Marco become Yuko exactly?!" Marco asked irritably as he walked up to us.

Rino shrugged, "They sound so similar"

"In which galaxy?!" Marco cried out in aggravation, "With that mix up you just turned a hot blooded American male into a pretty Japanese female!"

"At least you only changed genders, Alpha Marco", Mr. Talon said wiping his glasses irritably, "I went from being a werewolf to a pig. A dead pig!"

"Hey don't feel bad. I love bacon!" Rino said cheerfully, as though that just made everything better.

Mr. Talon and Marco sighed in defeat before slumping into the couch opposite to mine.

"Oh Queen! Its you?!" Marco exclaimed in surprise when he saw me. Mr. Talon's eyes shot open at the same time and he adjusted his glasses on his nose, looking at me wide-eyed.

Pushing back my woolen beanie, I smiled, "Of course it's me, why?" I asked.

Marco and Talon exchanged glances, "Well, given the way you're dressed, I really thought that you were Prophecy for a second", Marco said, giving me a once over.

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