58.5 Storm Call

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Therefore, here's a little surprise update as a thank you! Second chapter in Karina's POV. Love you guys!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This chapter is taking place in Canada on the Shadow Side, at the same time that chapter 58 is taking place in the US on the Werewolf side. Its one day before Suzzanah and the others leave for Dublin.

The phenomenal cover above was made by alicesingh31. Thanks sweetheart!

PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORK! If I find any followers copying my work, I will immediately REPORT and MUTE you. Do NOT test my patience or take advantage of my friendliness. You have been warned.

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Karina's POV

Its beginning...

Bright moonlight shone through the giant french windows in my room, drenching the darkness in an eerie silver gleam.

I sat on the floor with my back pressed to the wall in a dark corner, next to the door of the room. With my knees pulled in to my chest and arms wrapped around my legs, I sat quietly. Despite being summer time, it was unusually cold tonight.

Or maybe that's just me...

On the table right beside my bed was a candle-holder bearing three burning candles. The flames that danced on the candle-wicks were beautiful yet unnerving, their characteristic aura unmistakable, or so I hoped.

There were more burning candles too, on the table on the other side of the bed, and also atop the desk where I did my writing. Their orange-red glow lit up one side of the room, while the other was bathed in silver moonbeams, creating a stark contrast that made the two halves of my room look like two different chambers.

"I've always loved...fire"

His words echoed in the darkest corners of my mind, and I shuddered involuntarily, chills running down my spine. If he came today, he would surely appreciate the lighting of my room.

Outside my room, the corridors were deathly silent, even though I knew that they were far from empty. There were dark creatures lurking around every corner of this unearthly castle. Creatures you saw and yet didn't.

But they see you...

Even though my balcony doors were closed, I could hear the wild wind howling outside, as though announcing the coming of a big storm.

Perhaps tonight wasn't the best night for what I had planned to do, but before we left for Dublin tomorrow, I needed to do this.

At least once, just to be sure.

Although my eyes stayed unmoving from the dark night sky that I could see through the french windows in my room, the entirety of my mind was revolving elsewhere.

My thoughts were numerous- some usual and some not, and yet all so incomplete.


All my life, I had made sure that before I went ahead with anything major, I had the answers to all my questions. I didn't like not being sure of the future I chose for myself.

I didn't like...not knowing.

And yet right now in my life, I had to admit, I didn't know anything. There was nothing that was absolutely certain of. Nothing, except that Suzzanah was my sister...

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