Chapter One

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No One's POV

Ned Stark returned home from what is being called "Roberts Rebellion" with a surprise for his wife, but he didn't know how she would take it. He rode through the gates of Winterfell, holding a baby while his most trusted member of his guard,Jory ,carried another. Everyone was shocked to see his two new bastards.

He saw his wife Catelyn holding their son Robb, with tears in her eyes. He hoped that she hadn't seen the babies. His hopes were unanswered as he rode through the court yard and saw she was staring directly at the babies. He then realized the tears were for the babies and not his return.

She immediately gave their son to one of the servants and ran inside. Ned dismounted his horse and quickly went inside with the baby in his arms. "Cat, wait!" He yelled after her

He finally caught up to her in their chambers. "Cat, let me explain." he says to her

"How could you do this Ned? To me. To our family." She asked him. Taking a brief look at the baby.

"Cat..." He was immediately cut off

"And why in God's name would you bring them here?" she asked cutting him off

"I didn't feel right leaving them alone." He told her

"Them. How did you have two bastards while you were gone?" she asks

"They're twins, Cat." He told her

"Have you named them yet?" she asked

"Yes. This is Raven Snow, and Jory has Jon with him now." He tells her

"What you going to do with them?" She asks

"We're going to raise them as we would any of our children." He tells her

"You do what you want with them. I will not be apart of this." She tells him

"As you wish." He says walking out. He stops at the door. "I missed you Cat."

This brings more tears to her eyes. He walks out to find a place for him two bastards.


Hey this is my first attempt at a G.o.T fanfic. Sorry if there was a OOC in there. I hope you enjoyed.

The Bastards of Winterfell (A Game of Thrones Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant