R.I.Paradise daddy </3

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Mia Off To The Side. and play the song ! ...that is all enjoy :)

"sweet heart come on, you don't wanna be late on your first day do you?" 

i rolled my eyes as i looked at my self one last time again in the mirror. i grabbed my phone then walked down stairs slowly and irritated. 

Skylar: i still don't see why i  have to wear this stupid dress. 

Mom: don't be ridiculous, you look amazing. 

i rolled my eyes again then walked out to the car. the whole car ride to school was horrible she went on and on about how happy she is and how much im gonna love that school. by the time we pulled up in front of the school i couldn't be any happier because maybe since were here she would finally shut the fuck up. ugh dad never talked this much and he would have never ever ina  million years make me wear this stupid dress!

we walked into the school. it was kids everywhere. once we found our way to the main office mom went over to talk to the principal as i stood there with a major stale face. ugh this is going to be the worst day ever i can already feel it.  minutes later she walked over to me with my schedule and a big stupid smile on her face. i snatched the schedule from her. and her face instantly dropped. 

"why do you have to be so rude? didn't tony ever teach you manners?" she said in a low whisper. and that right then pissed me off to the fullest. i look at her in the eyes with pure hate. i swear if she wasn't my mom i would smack the shit out of her. how dare she insult my dad that way? maybe if she was around he wouldn't have to teach me manners! i stormed off down the hall. "honey im sorry, i was only joking come back" i ignored her and continued to storm down the hall once i saw a girl's restroom sign i ran inside of the bathroom and went in a stall so i could silently cry my eyes out. i wasn't crying from my mom stupid ass comment and i wasn't crying because i was mad. i was crying because, i miss my dad. if your dad died then you understand where im coming from. i heard a bell ring letting me know first period has started but i didn't move. i just continued to stand there and cry as i reminisced on the old times me and dad shared. he was the greatest dad anyone could ever have. he was my rock. when ever i was sad he was there. i could count on him for anything. i remember every Sunday morning after church we would go fishing. i would never catch a fish and i would get so mad because dad would catch so many. then one day he told me to just relax and quit being so impatient and the fish would come to me. i did as i was told and that same day i caught a huge fish! dad never even caught a fish that big. it was  amazing and i would never forget that day. 

another bell rung knocking me out my thoughts. i looked at the time on my phone which read 10:55am i looked down at my schedule and realized it was time for 3rd period. welp my third period is lunch. i might as well go cause im starving. i walked out the stall and looked at my self in the mirror its a good thing i don't were make up cause then it would be all fucked up. i rinsed my face then dried it off i dug into my purse to find my small bottle of lotion after re moisturizing my face i applied some lips gloss then i was satisfied with my apperance. all except this stupid ass dress. i walked out of the bathroom and walked around the school looking for the lunch room. i spotted a group of people standing by the lockers so i walked over to ask them if they could direct me to the lunch room. "umm excuse me." i said. they all looked in my direction and thats when i spotted his flawless face out the group. "skylar" jacob said as he walked over to me he pulled me into a hug. "are you just now getting to school?" he asked. "umm yea," i lied. i couldn't possibly tell him i was in the bathroom crying that would make me look like a little cry baby. "aw well better late then never. " he said as he put his arm around my shoulder. 

Jacob: guys this skylar, skylar this is the gang. yall introduce your selfs.

"im craig but everybody calls me prodigy." said a kid with a mini afro with a blonde patch in the front. not alot of people could pull that style off. but he sure as hell made it work. 

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