Jafar Disease (CH)

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Emma: *entering the room* Jennaaaaaaaaa! You have to help me!

Jenna: *looking up from the book she is reading* what's wrong?

Emma: I think there is something deadly wrong with me!

Jenna: *putting down her book in concern* what do you mean? Are you okay?

Emma: *shaking her head* no. I'm not. At first I thought I was just imagining things, but then I started to get the unmistakable symptoms.

Jenna: *taking a seat next to Emma and putting a hand on hers* Ya Allah Emma! Do you think it is serious?!?

Emma: Oh yes. It's very serious.

Jenna: What are your symptoms?

Emma: Shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, slight nausea, shaking knees, and what can only be described as butterflies in my tummy!

Jenna: Do you need to go to the hospital!?

Emma: The hospital can't do anything for me. I'm afraid it's too late.

Jenna: Should I call Mama and Baba?! What do you think you have?!

Emma: *a somber look on her face* I think I have...*she pauses for dramatic effect* JD.

Jenna: *in confusion* what is that?

Emma: Jafar disease!

Jenna: *pushing Emma over* Emma! You scared me! Oh my God, don't do that again! I thought you were dying or something!

Emma: *throwing herself face down on the couch* My heart is dying! This is a very serious illness!

Jenna: *rolling her eyes* okay Emma.

Emma: Well, aren't you going to ask me what it is?!

Jenna: No.

Emma: *ignoring her sister* It's when someone, in this case me, has such a huge crush on Jafar that she can't sleep, eat, or even think!

Jenna: *not really paying attention as she is trying to read her book again* oh really?

Emma: Oh yes. *she sits up, pulling her sister's book out of her hand*

Jenna: Hey! Emma!

Emma: Pay attention Jen! Just because you have never been afflicted with this, doesn't mean it's not life threatening!

Jenna: Emma, stop being a drama queen. You don't have anything life threatening.

Emma: That's what you think! There is only one cure known to all of mankind.

Jenna: *rolling her eyes* and what's that?

Emma: *dramatically* I have to marry him! Otherwise my symptoms will get drastically worse, and could lead to me spontaneously COMBUSTING!

Jenna: *standing up* I'm going to go start dinner.

Emma: *yelling after Jenna* you'll be sorry when I die! *she slumps in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest, and starts mumbling under her breath* not life threatening! Ha! I get such a high fever when he's around! A LOVE FEVER! *she snickers slightly, before picking up the remote* haha a love fever...

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