Skript Winners Contest 2 Prompt 1

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Congrats to SusieQ_1994 for winning firsrt place for the first prompt in the second Skript contest! 

Rami stays with Yahya for the first time :D

It was a bright, sunny Friday afternoon, and Rami had the day off. He was enjoying a lazy day just snuggling with Rana on the couch as they watched Yahya play with a stuffed toy in his playpen.

"I love days like these," he sighed contentedly, relaxing against his wife. "Don't you?"

"They're wonderful," Rana smiled, eyeing her son as he bashed his stuffed fish against the walls of the playpen, shrieking with laughter.Just then, a buzzer began to vibrate from her pocket, and the two groaned simultaneously. Rana was on call at the hospital she worked at today, but she had been hoping for a quiet day off. 

"You jinxed it by mentioning how wonderful today was!" she accused Rami as she reluctantly pulled out of his arms and headed for the kitchen, where she had left her mobile phone.Rami sighed, hoping it wasn't anything serious. Maybe they just wanted to ask her a question about one of her patients in aftercare, he reassured himself, listening to the quiet murmur of her voice from the kitchen as she spoke to someone from the hospital. He turned his attention to Yahya, pulling silly faces at him to make him giggle.Suddenly, Rana burst from the kitchen, looking worried and grabbing bits of clothing from here and there and donning them quickly. 

"There's an emergency," she told him hurriedly. "A car accident victim was just brought in and he needs immediate surgery. I'm the only surgeon on call, so I need to go right away. Time is of the essence."Rami looked slightly panicked. 

"What about Yahya?" he asked. "I've never stayed with him before!"

Trying to wrap her scarf and pull on her shoes at the same time, Rana just shook her head at him. 

"There's no time, Rami! And nobody will be able to come on such short notice. You'll be fine, habibi."

"But what if he cries? What if he hurts himself? Oh my God, what if he throws up?!" Rami was working himself into a panic, although he knew that his wife needed to go right away. Rana grabbed the car keys off a hook on the wall and quickly kissed her husband. 

"He'll be fine! Look, he's playing. I won't be too long, in sha Allah, and he might not even notice. Love you, habibi!"

Giving him no chance to reply, she rushed out of the door and locked it behind her. He dropped onto the couch, putting his head in his hands and groaning. 

This was going to be a disaster.

Suddenly noticing that his mother was gone, Yahya looked up from his toy and gazed around the room for her, babbling. Rami peeked cautiously through his fingers, inwardly cringing at what he knew was going to happen. As if on cue, Yahya began to scream, reaching for the door his mother had left through.

"Noooo, habibi, don't cry!" Rami begged him. 

"Look, look at the monkey!" He held up one of Yahya's toys and began to make monkey sounds.Yahya's face was beginning to turn bright red as he ignored his father and continued to scream. He began to throw toys out of his playpen one by one, as his father scrambled to find something to distract him with. "Look, Yahya, it's Barney!" Rami said desperately, pointing to the children's show he had put on TV. "It's a dinosaur! Raaaawr!" More screaming. 

Someone was going to call the cops any minute now. The kid sounded like he was being murdered. Rami grabbed his phone and dialed Hudayfah's number.

"Assalamu alaykum, Rami!" Hudayfah's cheerful voice came over the phone. "Uhh, is everything okay? I hear Yahya screaming."

"HELP!" Rami almost yelled into the phone. "He won't stop crying! I don't know what to DO! Can Jenna come over?!"

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