If Mama Says No You Hafta Listen! (FQ)

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Happy Birthday khadeejahh_b! Here is your surprise Skript :D

*Amir steps into the house, takes off his shoes and bag, and tosses his keys on the coffee table, before heading into the house, looking for Yusra.*

Amir: Yusra? Love, where are you?

Yusra: I'm in the kitchen habibi!

*Amir makes his way into the kitchen, and just pauses in the doorway, staring in awe at his wife.*

Yusra: Why are you staring at me?

Amir: Well, after a long hard day at work, it's nice to come home to the eighth wonder of the world!

*Yusra laughs, and steps forward, giving him a tight hug.*

Yusra: Mmm I missed you!

Amir: *kissing her* Wallahi I missed you too my love. Where are the boys?

Yusra: Outside! I was just out there with them, but then I remembered I forgot to make the dressing for the salad.

Amir: No problem, I'll just go change, and then go and say salaam to them. Dinner smells wonderful MashaAllah!

Yusra: Thank you habibi. It should be ready soon!

Amir: Okay. *he kisses her again, before going up the stairs, whistling. About ten minutes later, he comes back down, pauses to kiss his wife again, and goes outside, smiling as he sees his boys. Ayyoub is playing in the sandbox, and Kareem is laying down a few paces away, his action figures spread out around him.*

Amir: *approaching Ayyoub first* Hi habibi Ayyoub!

*Ayyoub looks up, and upon seeing his father, his face lights up. The little boy immediately abandons his toys, and he goes over to his father, putting his arms around his neck.*

Ayyoub: Baba!

Amir: Hi habibi! I missed you! Are you playing?

Ayyoub" *nodding* I maked a sand monster! *he points to a pile of sand*

Amir: *putting a hand to his chest* Oh no! It's so scary!

Ayyoub: *giggling* Baba! It's not gonna get you!

Amir: It's not?

Ayyoub: *shaking his head and giggling again* no it's pretend!

Amir: Oh phew! I was so scared!

Ayyoub: Silly Baba!

Amir: *laughing* were you a good boy for Mama today?

Ayyoub: Ya! I was a good boy! Baba?

Amir: Yes albi?

Ayyoub: *closes one eye, and tilts his head to the side* I have some juice? Just a little bit?

*Amir laughs, and lifts his son out of the sandbox, brushing him off.*

Amir: *kissing his cheek* go ask Mama.

*As Ayyoub runs into the house, Amir gets up, and heads over to where his older son is playing with his Power Rangers.*

Amir: Hi Kareemo!

Kareem: *looking up* Baba! I didn't, I didn't even knowed you were home!

Amir: *taking a seat next to him* I am home! Come give Baba a hug!

*Kareem gets up and hugs Amir*

Amir: *giving Kareem a kiss* ah! I missed my baby!

Kareem: *putting a hand on his hip, and looking very much like his Khalo Houssam* Baba! I'm not a baby!

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