How It Begun (TH)

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*Hudayfah sat perched on the low wall that ran through the courtyard of school, his backpack slung over one shoulder, and his sunglasses perched on the far edge of his nose as he peered down at the book he held in his hand, eagerly reading the open page. He was just about to turn the page, when the front doors were flung open, causing multiple people who were also sitting in the courtyard around him, to turn in their seats.*

Hudayfah: *tucking his book under his arm, and pushing his sunglasses up onto his head* one of these days you're going to break the doors with your dramatic entrances.

Jamaal: *grinning* would serve them right for all the detention they give me!

Hudayfah: Well maybe if you didn't keep getting us into trouble, you wouldn't have detention!

Jamaal: *cheerfully* That's not going to happen! *he claps Hudayfah on his back, before pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter*

Hudayfah: Don't smoke that trash around me. You shouldn't even be smoking, I can't believe you are.

*Jamaal rolls his eyes, and puts a cigarette between his lips, lights it, and takes a long drag, blowing it towards Hudayfah with a grin.*

Jamaal: Loosen up Hud man, you could use these more than I can!

Hud: Believe it or not, I don't want to die.

Jamaal: *following Hud, and rolling his eyes* I'm not going to die from a cigarette a week.

*Hud gives a scoff, as they head towards the parking lot*

Hud: That's your fifth cigarette today alone! Don't try to pull that cigarette a week thing!

Jamaal: Look man, I'm just feeling a little stressed out *he lets out another puff of smoke* and I need some relief from a few measly cigs!

Hud: You can't use smoking as a crutch. Eventually these 'measly cigs' are going to turn into something much stronger, and much worse when they fail to work!

Jamaal: Want to go get some pizza?

Hud: *letting out an irritated breath* did you hear anything I just said!?

Jamaal: *dropping the cigarette onto the pavement and grinding it underneath his heel* yes but I'm ignoring you. Let's get some pizza and head back to my place.

Hud: *giving a sigh* Alright then, but I have to get home by five to pick up Rana from soccer practice.

Jamaal: *unlocking his car* Where is Sami?

Hud: *getting into the car* he's teaching.

Jamaal: *starting the car, and tearing out of the parking lot, his speakers blaring with a Tamer Hosni song (LOL)* It's weird to think he's an actual teacher now.

Hud: Yeah, right now he has a few classes over at the other high school, but soon he is hoping to get a job at the University.

Jamaal: That's cool *he rolls down his windows, and turns up the volume even more, causing Hudayfah to wince slightly* By the way, my sister is home.

Hudayfah: Oh yeah?

Jamaal: *nodding* yup. She just got back from some fancy shmancy three day convention with NASA.

Hudayfah: It's funny how i've never met her and I've been to your house all those times.

Jamaal: Well, with her being a genius and all, she is hardly ever home. *suddenly he took a sharp left turn as he pulled into the pizza place parking lot, and Hudayfah steadied his hand against the dashboard so he wouldn't go flying through the window. Once they had gone inside and ordered, ten minutes later they headed back towards the car with their food and soon were on their way to Jamaal's house.*

*Well, house was using the term loosely considering it was three stories high and had a huge black iron security gate that even had a guard. Hudayfah could not understand why they could possibly need a guard guarding the home, it's not like they were famous or anything, but Jamaal had just shrugged and said his dad insisted on always having guards around him at all times.*

Jamaal: *once they had entered the gates and parked in the spacious garage* Just to warn you, my sister can be a little...*he hesitates for a second*

Hudayfah: What?

Jamaal: Because she is so smart, she tends to be a little anti social and awkward. Just preparing you for it.

Hudayfah: Um, okay. I'm sure we're going to be fine, it's not like I'm planning on becoming best friends with her or anything.

Jamaal: Good! Keep your hands to yourself! *he gives Hud a punch on the shoulder, and as they head towards the door, Hudayfah stares at all of the cars in the garage admiringly. He had always had a love for cars, but its not like he could afford anything fancy. He had Sami's beat up old Toyota, that had been a hand me down from their father, and he highly doubted he would ever have the money to buy anything else.*

*They step inside the house, and as a maid hurry over to take their jackets, Jamaal motioned towards Hudayfah to follow him, and soon they were in the living room where Jamaal's mother, Hania, was standing, her phone clutched in her hand, and a headset on her head. Like all the other times Hudayfah had seen her, she was dressed in a fancy flowing dress, her brown hair was pinned up in curls, she wore diamond studs in her ears and a thin necklace with a single diamond around her neck, and had a full face of makeup, even though Hudayfah knew she wasn't going to be going anywhere. This was just the fanciness that made up Jamaal's every day life. How he was even allowed to go to a public school in the first place was a question within itself!*

Hania: *into the phone* No, this is unacceptable, I will not stand for it. *she looks up at Jamaal and Hudayfah* go eat in the rec room, I can't have a mess in here. *she abruptly turns away, and starts to talk into the phone once more. It was not surprising that that was the way she greeted her son, Jamaal's parents were not nurturing in the slightest, and while it upset Hudayfah, Jamaal seemed immune to it as he grabbed some sodas from the large fridge and led the way to the rec room.*

*For the next hour they ate and watched some television before Jamaal began to set up his GameStation Plus.*

Hudayfah: Hey, it's time for Asr.

Jamaal: *not paying attention as he is looking through his games* you know where the prayer rugs are.

Hud: You aren't going to pray with me?

*Jamaal completely ignores him, and Hudayfah gives a sigh. He knew it was a long shot, Jamaal almost never prayed, very once in awhile if he felt too pressured by others around them, yet Hud didn't want to give up on him.*

Jamaal: *just as Hud was about to leave the room* By the way, don't make any plans because we are going to have detention all next week.

Hud: What!? Why!? What did you do!?

Jamaal: *grinning* You'll see tomorrow!

*Hud groans, before leaving the room. He made Wudu in their fancy bathroom, and paused in the front of the linen closet to take out one of the prayer rugs that was in there. There was a new addition to the prayer rugs this time, a prayer skirt and scarf, and Hudayfah was surprised as he knew that Hania didn't pray. Suddenly he felt someone behind him, and as he turned around, all of his breath left his body, and he just stood there completely shell shocked.*

*She was beautiful. She had long hair that dropped all the way to her waist in beautiful mahogany waves, and crystal blue eyes that were just a shade lighter than Hudayfah's own. She wore jeans and a simple sweatshirt, no makeup or even a single piece of jewelry, the complete opposite of her mother, yet she was probably three times more beautiful. By the strong resemblance she had to Jamaal he was guessing that this was his sister, Marwa.*

Marwa: *staring at him behind her black framed glasses* you're blocking my way.

Hud: *in surprise* Oh! I'm sorry.

*She doesn't answer at first, grabbing the prayer scarf and skirt, and a red rug from the cupboard, before looking at him.*

Marwa: *smiling slightly* So are we going to pray or not?

So just a small snippet of how Hud met Marwa and his days with Jamaal! ^_^

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