I Am Boring! (UH)

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Happy birthday @faruuuu !!!

Excuse any mistakes. As I do not have internet I typed this on my phone....

With a cast on....

My fingers are dead.....

Also as shown in the title in Parenthesis (UH) this Skript is in the timeline for Unlocked Hearts, so if you are not there don't read it....

*Jen is laying on the couch in the den watching television and eating snacks when she hears the front door open. By the time Hud's tall frame fills the doorway, she is siting up, a large smile on her face.*

Jenna: Habibi!! *she opens her arms wide and starts to bounce up and down excitedly,  waiting for him to come all the way into the room* I am so glad you are here! Both the house and my heart were so empty without you!

Hudayfah: *placing his keys, wallet, and phone on the side table before heading towards here* I promise you my heart was emptier without you! *he leans down over her, and kisses her a few times before smiling* Hello darling.

Jen: *softly* Hello habibi. *she pulls his face down, kissing him again.*


*Hud laughs, and pulls back from her, cupping her cheek in his hand*

Hud: Wow what a welcome!! *he gently skims his nose over her cheek, presses his lips to her neck, before whispering into her ear* How about I leave, and you can welcome me back again? I quite liked that!

*Poor Jen who is all red in the face*

Jen: *scowling* Hudayfah!!

Hud: *laughing* Fine, fine I'll be good!

Jen: *patting the seat next to her* you better! *Hud laughs* Come sit! *Hud sits next to her, and immediately puts an arm around her, and Jen snuggles into his chest* How is Sami doing?

Hud: He is good Alhamdulillah. *he shakes his head in amusement* the poor guy is so far gone though and doesn't even realize it!

Jen: *twirling his wedding band around his finger* What do you mean?

Hud: He made me stop so he could get Dalia a kitten!

*Jen laughs, and leans back against the couch, turning her head so she is looking at him*

Jen: Are you serious?! *Hud nods* That is so adorable!!! Habibi Sami!!!

Hud: I know poor guy!

Jen: *smiling* I think they are adorable. *she stares off into the room for a few seconds, before her phone beeps, and as she looks at her screen she shakes her head in amusement.*

Hud: What?

Jen: *turning the screen so he can see* Em just sent me pictures. Her and Jafar went water skiing today!

Hud: *taking the phone so he can see the picture* I didn't know Jafar liked to ski!

Jen: Oh I don't think he had a choice in the matter!!

*Hudayfah laughs and the two of them sit in companionable silence for a few seconds before Hud looks down at his wife who has a slight frown on her face*

Hud: *gently smoothing away the frown line between her eyebrows* What's wrong my darling?

Jen: Hud do you think we are boring?

Hud: *in surprise* Boring?! What do you mean boring?!

Jen: *shifting so their faces are level with one another* I mean look at Emma and Jafar!!! They do spontaneous things all the time!!

Skript! #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now