Why Jannah is Under the Feet of Our Mothers! (OUQ)

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*Amir and Yusra are in the delivery room, and Amir is holding tightly to Yusra's hand, trying not to show her how scared he is.*

Amir: Come on love! You're almost there!

Doctor: Yusra, I can almost see the baby's head!

Amir: Yusra! The baby is almost here! Push habibti!

Yusra: Amir, I can't do it! I can't! *she puts a hand on his face* I changed my mind, I don't want to have a baby anymore! I give you permission to go marry someone else and let her have your children!

*Amir laughs, and leans down to kiss her cheek*

Amir: I don't want anybody to have my children but you! You're almost done habibti! You can do it!

*As Yusra starts to scream again, Amir feels his heart constrict. He had seen Yusra go through a ton of pain over the years due to her illness, but she had always been patient and hardly ever complained. This was the first time he was seeing her scream like that, and it was killing him inside. As much as he hated to even entertain such a thought, he had absolutely no idea how she was still alive after all of this pain! A huge part of him absolutely despised himself for doing this to her, but another part of him was also really excited to finally be a Baba. He hadn't let Yusra tell him what the gender of the baby was, and had actually made all of the doctors and nurses swear up and down they wouldn't say anything. So far nobody had slipped up, but he was so worried it would be ruined for him at the last second!*

Doctor: Yusra, you're going to have to push harder honey.

Yusra: *shaking her head and leaning back against the pillow* I can't do it anymore, I really can't. Just cut me open and take the baby out!

Doctor: It's too late for that, the baby is almost here. We have another seven seconds before your next contraction, and this is going to be the big one. You are going to have to push as hard as you possibly can.

Yusra: Amir, it hurts. It hurts so much.

Amir: I know love. I'm so sorry. But you are being so strong! You are amazing!

Yusra: *shaking her head* I just want it to be over with!

Amir: I know honey.

*suddenly Yusra lets out another piercing scream*

Yusra: *shrieking at the doctor* I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE HAD SEVEN SECONDS LEFT!

Doctor: Sorry dear, babies sometimes have their own agenda! We just need one more push, and then it will be over! Come on Yusra! *Yusra pushes again, and the doctor shakes her head* honey, that isn't good enough!

Yusra: *whimpering* I'm trying. I really am!

Doctor: Two more seconds, and the nurse is going to help you push now!

Yusra: *who is clinging to Amir's hand so hard, he is scared she is going to break it* distract me Amir! Tell me a story!

Amir: Okay, okay. Remember for our fourth wedding anniversary when we went to Disneyland?!

Yusra: *through clenched teeth* yes....

Amir: And we went on all of the rides, and met all of the characters? And we watched the Aladdin show? And in the Prince Ali song, Genie messed up his line and instead of saying 'when it comes to exotic type mammals' said 'when it comes to exotic white camels'?

Yusra: *giving a small laugh* yes. That was so funny.

Amir: And remember after the show when I surprised you with being able to ride in the parade with Cinderella and Jasmine and the other Princesses? Do you remember how happy you were?

Yusra: Yes. I remember.

Amir: Then just imagine how happy you are going to be now when we have this baby.

Doctor: Push Yusra!

Amir: *clasping Yusra's hand and staring into her face* you can do it love. Just one more push and we have our baby!

*a few seconds later, the sound of a baby crying fills the air, and as Yusra lays back against the bed, crying out in relief, Amir looks down at the baby, his breath getting caught in his throat*

Amir: It's a boy! Ya Allah it's a boy!

Yusra: *nodding and smiling at him* I know. I know Alhamdulillah!

*Amir quickly takes the baby from the doctor, and looks down at him, tears streaming down his face*

Amir: We have a son!

Yusra: *holding out her arms* let me hold him!

*Amir puts the baby on her chest, and the second the child makes contact with her skin, he stops crying, but instead, Yusra burst into tears, as did Amir. The three of them sat on the bed together, both Amir and Yusra holding onto each other, and as the nurse took the baby to clean him up, Amir kissed Yusra, his eyes shining with tears.*

Amir: Thank you. Thank you so much.

*Yusra didn't answer, holding onto him tightly. Once they started to get Yusra ready to go up to her room, Amir slipped out, pulled out his phone, and called his Mom.*

Mama: Hello?

Amir: Mom, it's Amir.

Mama: Amir! Habibi! Is the baby here?

Amir: Yes. It's a boy!

Mama: Alhamdulillah! Alf Mabrook!

Amir: Barak Allahu Feeki! And Mama, I just want to say I am sorry.

Mama: Whatever for habibi?

Amir: *who is tearing up* for what I put you through.

Mama: Oh habibi, you don't have to apologize!

Amir: Yes I do! After seeing everything that Yusra just went through, I have to thank you for what you went through for me!

Mama: No thanks necessary albi. As Yusra will tell you, it was all worth it habibi.

Amir: Now I know why Jannah is under the feet of our mothers.

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