This is the Best Flare Up Ever! (OUQ)

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*Amir unlocks the front door, steps inside the house, sets his briefcase down, pulls out a bag of medicine he picked up from the pharmacy for Yusra, and heads towards the living room. He pauses in the middle of the room, and gives a sigh, beginning to pick up things as he makes his way towards the stairs. Even though both Yusra and Amir were neat people, Yusra had been bedridden for two weeks now, and the clutter was starting to pile up. He straightens out a few more things, before he goes up the stairs, loosening his tie along the way.*

*He pushed open their bedroom door, his heart sinking as he finds his wife curled up in their bed, looking completely miserable even in her sleep. He had thought that they had gotten over the worst of her disease. Alhamdulillah, after over six years of her going through unbelievable pain and testing, they had found a treatment that was working for her, and she was doing amazing. She was the Yusra he remembered from before she had gotten sick, and sometimes he would look at her, and just get choked up, so thankful to Allah to see her better. But now to see her relapse so badly like this, was ripping him up inside, and made him so scared of what she would have to endure to find a new treatment.*

*He put the medicine on their dresser, quickly changed out of his work clothes into his pajamas, washed up, and as he came out of the bathroom, it was to find her awake, and looking at him.*

Yusra: *weakly* salaam habibi. Have you been home long?

Amir: *getting into bed next to her and kissing her* Walaikumasalaam love. No I just got here.

Yusra: Okay. I'm sorry I don't have any dinner for you. I really wanted to cook for you today, but I couldn't make it downstairs. Actually, I couldn't even make it out of bed, let alone downstairs.

Amir: Oh habibti. Please. I told you not to worry about that. I ordered us some food, it will get here in an hour.

Yusra: *tearing up* I'm sorry.

Amir: *gripping her face in his hand* stop it.

Yusra: *tears falling down her cheeks* I am the worst wife ever!

Amir: *shaking his head* No you aren't! You are the most wonderful!

Yusra: No I'm not. I can't even get out of bed to clean and cook and take care of my husband!

Amir: Wallahi Yusra, you are going to make me upset with you, and one of the worst feelings in the world is being upset with you. Please stop it habibti okay?

Yusra: *staring at him for a few seconds, before eventually nodding* okay.

Amir: *kissing her* How are you feeling?

Yusra: *whispering from exhaustion* not great.

Amir: *sighing* oh love. I think we should go to the emergency room right now.

Yusra: *shaking her head* no! No I cant go back there! Dr. Bruce had me make an appointment for tomorrow In Sha Allah, and called in some new medicine, did you pick it up?

Amir: *nodding* I did. It says to take it with food, so I will give it to you after dinner.

Yusra: Okay

*Amir brushes her hair away from her forehead, and frowns slightly*

Amir: You feel really hot. Are you?

Yusra: Yeah.

Amir: Why didn't you take off the blanket or change into cooler pajamas?

Yusra: I couldnt move to do it.

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