Reigning King of Champions (FQ)

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Happy belatd birthday SusieQ_1994! Here is the birthday Skript you requested! :D


*Hana is standing in front of the hall closet in her and Houssam's apartment, pulling down board games. They were having a game night tonight, and as it was the first one after their wedding, she was really excited. She took out Uno, Guess Who, and Scrabble. She heads into the dining room, placed them on the table, and began to arrange things, jumping in surprise, as Houssam's arms came around her.*

Houssam: Hello gorgeous!

Hana: *turning around* hello handsome!

*Houssam bends to kiss her, before placing a bowl of popcorn on the table.* I am ready to play! *he pulls out one of the chairs, and motions towards it with one hand* M'lady!

Hana: *sitting* thank you Sir!

*Houssam gives a low bow, his head practically grazing the floor*

Houssam: It is my pleasure beautiful! *he takes the seat across from her*

Hana: So what do you want to play first?

Houssam: Anything! You go ahead and pick!

Hana: Okay, how about we play Scrabble first?

Houssam: Sounds good! But just to warn you, I am the KING of Scrabble! I am so good, that you won't stand a chance!

Hana: *smiling* we will see!


Houssam: *placing his tiles down with a flourish* BOOM! Can, for twenty points!

Hana: *writing down his points, before putting her tiles down* and I'll add to your can to make it candles for a hundred points!

Houssam: *his mouth dropping* What?! How did you do that?!

Hana: *writing down her points before pointing to the board with her pencil* I got a double word score, and then fifty extra points for using all of my tiles.

Houssam: Beginner's luck! *he shuffles his tiles around, before putting down another word* Snake! For fifteen points!

Hana: *putting her own tiles down* folder, for sixty points.

Houssam: *glaring at her* don't get all smug Hana! I'm going to win!

Hana: *shaking her head in amusement* okay honey.


Hana: *looking down at her notebook* so, Houssam had two hundred and fifteen points....

Houssam: *pumping his fists in the air* HA! I TOLD YOU I WAS KING!

Hana: Aaaaand I have three hundred and twenty eight points!

Houssam: *slamming his hand down on the table* darn!

*They play another few rounds of Scrabble, and after Houssam lost the last game by more than two hundred points he glares at her*

Houssam: This is a stupid game anyways!

Hana: *leaning over to kiss his cheek* looks like you've been overthrown as King!

Houssam: *glaring at her* make fun now! But I am definitely supreme ruler of Guess Who! *he picks up the game box, opens it, hands her the red board, takes the blue one for himself. They both pick up their cards, and Houssam rubs his hands excitedly together.* Mwahahahah! You don't stand a chance baby!

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