Always My Little Girl (OUQ)

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Hala_Bishr <3 ^_^


*The waiting room of the maternity ward is filled with Shaykh and Malik family members as they all eagerly await the birth of Amir and Yusra's first child. It didn't matter to them that it was past midnight, the moment they had heard the news they were all there. The parents were sitting in the seats, quietly staring up at the television, Ilham and Hisham were able to be there as Basma was staying with their children, and even Mustafa had just arrived. The only one who wasn't sitting down was Houssam, who was bouncing up and down, and peeking through the doors every few seconds to see if there was any sign of Amir.*

Fatima (Yusra's Mom): *putting a hand on AbudlJabbar's (Yusra's dad) arm and squeezing it excitedly* Habibi! Our little girl is having a baby!

*AbdulJabbar smiles, and gives his wife's hand a squeeze*

AbdulJabbar: It is wonderful habibti.

Fatima: Are you well?

AbdulJabbar: Oh yes of course. I am just thinking. *he pats her hand again, before resuming his thinking. He in fact was having more trouble than he was letting on. Of course he was thrilled beyond belief about his new grandson, Yusra had confided in him the gender of the baby, but he was not doing too well with the thought that his most precious, and youngest daughter was going to be a mother now at any moment, and would officially be a grown up. He knew that he was being kind of selfish, especially since it had taken Amir and Yusra six years to get pregnant in the first place. But he couldn't help his feelings. After a few more minutes, he couldn't take it anymore, and he stood up*

Fatima: AbdulJabbar! Where are you going habibi?

AbdulJabbar: I am going to go to the gift shop and get some presents.

Fatima: Okay! *in a stern voice* But don't get anything that could reveal to me what the baby is! I wish to be surprised!

AbdulJabbar: *smiling* I will do as you wish Fatima. *he heads towards the door, pausing by Houssam who has started to do jumping jacks* Houssam?

Houssam: *resembling a windmill* Yes Baba?

AbdulJabbar: Aren't you twenty six years old?

Houssam: Uh yes?

AbdulJabbar: And aren't you a world famous basketball star?

Houssam: *eyeing his father suspiciously* I guess?

AbdulJabbar: *watching his son for a few more seconds with raised eyebrows before smiling slightly* Just checking. Keep it up son.

Houssm: Got it Baba! *he drops to the floor and starts doing pushups and as AbdulJabbar heads towards the elevators, he gives a laugh as he hears Houssam shout* 'Hisham! Get off of me you buffalo!'

*He makes his way downstairs, his emotions conflicting severely between sadness and happiness. Once inside the gift shop, he starts to browse, picking out a few toys that could pass for either gender so he doesn't have to experience his wife's wrath. But he soon finds himself browsing things for his daughter, trying to find something to express to her just how he was feeling.*

*She always had been his little girl. Khadija was a carbon copy of her mother and the two were attached at the hip, Wafaa was the sweetheart who tried to spread her time between everybody, and Latifa wasn't really into girly things and would rather be roughhousing with her brother and watching sports. But Yusra was his little princess who always liked to cuddle with him, and would come to him with all of her problems. She talked to him about everything and anything, and it hurt him so much to think of how she was slipping away from him. Giving her away to Amir at her wedding was one of the most painful moments of his entire life, and he actually had spent that night in her room, not anticipating how much he would miss her.*

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