The Beginning

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Quick authors note: cover is done by @WolfMorgan please check her out she did such an amazing job!

After escaping my parents arguing over a bag of popcorn at the circus concessions stand, I got lost and somehow found my way to the place where they hold the elephants. I was about to pet one of them when someones voice startled me.

"Can I help you?" I turned my head as my pigtails lightly hit me in the face, meeting the eyes of a young ginger with a few freckles about his face.

"I-I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be here. My parents were fighting so I wandered off and e-ended up here," I stuttered and the boy looked at me curiously.

"I didn't mean to scare you," he sighed walking up to me, sticking out his hand for me to take. "My mom yells a lot so I kind of understand. I'm Jerome Valeska"

I smile and shake his hand. "Scarlett Anne Gordon"

"You can pet them if you'd like. Heres some peanuts. They love peanuts," he said handing me a few.

"You're very nice, Jerome. Thank you," I said. We spent a few minutes talking and petting the elephants when a loud female voice echoed in the distance.

"Jerome! Where are you the show is starting you little brat!" I heard Jerome sigh after tensing next to me.

"I have to go. Promise me you'll be here tomorrow. I'd like to see you again," he smiled weakly but then added quickly "but if you don't want to thats fine I get-" I kissed his cheek lightly and smiled.

"I'd love to Jerome. I'll be here, I promise"

He scurried off to meet his mother and I decided to roam the grounds. I found a quite little area, away from all the loud circus music and climbed a tree branch and began to read the book I brought.

I don't think I go anywhere without a book...

There was a loose apple above me and I picked it off, but it fell out of my hands to the ground.

"Ow," I heard from below me.

"Hello?" I called out in a whispered tone.

"Uh.. yes?"

"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone else was occupying this tree too. That was an accident." I couldn't see his face it was too dark and the little cell phone I was using to read my book wasn't enough light.

"It's okay."

"May I come down there?" I asked.

"Uh, sure why do you need to as-" I jumped down and into the strangers arms.

"Wow what a rush!" I said excitedly and jumped from his arms. I turned around with a huge smile, and it fell immediately and replaced with confusion. "Jerome?"

"That's my twin brother. Sorry if you're disappointed," he sighed and I shook my head and stuck my hand out to him.

"I'm Scarlett," I introduced. He looked at me then my hand with confusion before accepting it.


"Thats such a pretty name! What book are you reading?" I asked seeing the book in his hands.

"The Great Gatsby," the boy in front of me said. My heart leaped out of my chest.

"Thats one of my favorites! Look!" I held out my book to him. We laughed and I looked at him for a moment.

"Can we be friends? I wanna call you... Miah!"

He flinched. I frowned.

"We don't have to. Sorry I-"

"No I want to be friends it's just... wouldn't you rather be friends with Jerome?"

"Why can't I be friends with both of you?"

He smiled at that.

"If you're calling me Miah, than you're... my Daisy," he said referring to our favorite book. I blushed at that and did a little curtsy.

Little did I know Jerome was in the shadows glaring daggers into his brother and I. And that was the beginning of the love triangle meant to be.

Thats how I met Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska. Such simple times back then. I was so naive and innocent. Little did I know meeting him and his twin would change my life forever.


I visited the Valeskas every day for the 2 months they were here every year. We became very close and they were my best friends. I knew that when the teen years came by, that they wanted to be more but I couldn't do that. Especially after Jeremiah left... But we'll get to that later.

At the age of 13, I celebrated my birthday with them before my parents picked me up. We were on the way back to our house listening to my dads horrible tunes when a truck hit us straight on.

I instantly blacked out, but could see little glimpses of the scene before me.

My parents: dead.

My arm: broken.

Blood: everywhere.

The guy with the black mask... GUY WITH THE BLACK MASK?!

"We've been looking for you #1230. It's time to come home," was all he said before he injected me with something.

I would never see Jerome and Jeremiah again. I'd never see my parents again. I'd never be normal again.

I'm alone.

Will Jerome think I abandoned him? Just like his brother did. Will he hate me for something I couldn't control?!

I'd rather die...


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