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Scarlett's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I clutched the knife in my hand from under my pillow and pulled them down to the ground with me, holding the knife to the suspects throat. I opened my eyes completely to see Jeremiah under me with wide eyes.

"Sorry.. habit." I helped him up and saw how panicked he looked.

"Scar, we have to go. Now," he whispered. I didn't think twice and let him take my hand as he lead me downstairs and into this maze.

"Jer, what's going on?"

"Someone or someones' broke Jerome out. Gordon and Harvey are on their way we just need to-"

We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard "Hello brother" from behind us. We turned around to see Jerome with a gun held to his brothers' head. Jeremiah pulled me behind him protectively. I rolled my eyes.

"So, how you been? Oh you look great! To think I used to be the handsome one, right Scarlett?" He laughs and leans against the wall. "I have been waiting for this moment for 15 years. Ever since you ran away in the middle of the night like a coward. Ever since you thought you had the right to take her away from me!" He raised his voice.

"You're insane," he muttered.

"Yeah," Jerome agreed at the same time I said "Well, duh." We looked at each other and Jerome gave me a smirk while I gave him the finger in return.

"And I tried telling mom but she wouldn't listen to me. You blame me for everything that's gone wrong in your life but the truth is... you were born bad," Jeremiah stated and I flinched at his words. Half of me believes Jerome's been through enough but the other half doesn't care.

"Born bad huh? So that's why you made her think I tried to kill ya, right? What was it again?! What was it?!I put a blade to your throat. No no, i tried to light you on fire"

"We both know you wanted to!" I furrowed my eyebrows at that. I thought that is what happened.

"Yeah that was a funny story wasn't it?" Jerome asked sarcastically and I took a step back. Ever since I was taken I always have the instinct to save myself if it comes down to it. Pretty sure thats kicking in right now, but I'm trying to fight it.

"Okay, maybe it didn't happen exactly like that, but I didn't have a choice and I was right... You killed our mother." Oh my gawd the drama. It gets boring after a while, you know? Wait, who am I talking to?

"She did deserve it though. After that whore hid you away, she gave up on me. Poisoned by you're stories. You turned everyone I ever loved against me. Scarlett and my own flesh and blood! But I guess it's like what they say... we could all go insane with just one bad day. I guess with you it's more like one bad spray. You'll see," he laughed. I took one more step back, but this time Jerome noticed and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to him.

"Son of a bitch," I muttered as he put the gun to my neck.

"You turned against me. I-I loved you!"

"You never loved me. You loved the idea of me, Jerome. You're not capable of love and honestly neither am I," I sneered. Suddenly the Hatter and Scarecrow ran past us and Jerome grabbed me by the throat and threw the three of us around the corner as he put the gun to my head. "Touch me like that again and see what happens," I muttered to him as he spoke to my uncle and Harvey.

"One step closer and Scarlett's pretty little head will be all over the ground."

"No it won't. If you wanted her dead you would've killed her already," Gordon said.

"He's right. See you soon, my love," he kissed my cheek and threw me to the ground before running off. I fell to the ground gasping for air and Jeremiah was by my side in seconds.

"Scarlett, are you alright?" He asked and I just nodded as I stood back up. "It's okay Scarlett, you're safe. I won't let anything happen to you" he assured me as he stroked my hair. I pulled away from him a little and nodded.

"Thanks. I don't need to know that I can protect myself but... thanks." I didn't mean to be distant but I'm not used to this kindness and I'm very independent. It's going to take some time.

Later that night, after Gordon and Harvey left, I told them i'd stay with Jeremiah for extra protection. I was still pissed off after earlier events, but Jeremiah was by my side the whole time. We were sitting on his bed and talking for hours about our hobbies and favorite things, because we had so much in common in earlier years and most of that stayed true. I could also tell that he was trying to get my mind off things. It was getting very late though and Jer said I could stay here and he would take the guest room, but part of me wanted to stay. So, when he was walking out I grabbed his hand.

"Stay," I said. Joy filled his face and he hesitantly climbed in beside me and i took his arm and wrapped it around me. I need someone right now even though I won't admit it, and Jeremiah is the one i need.

"Goodnight, Scarlett"

"Goodnight, Jeremiah"


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