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Third Person's POV

"Now, the one man who can get me what I want," Jerome stated as he pulled the camera to his face. "Calling Gordon!"

It didn't take long until Gordon and his team arrived on scene, and once Jerome saw them he cut the music and made his way to the mic.

"First of all Jim, you're late. Secondly, I think I'm the one who should be making demands... don't you?"

"What you're doing Is an act of terror, Valeska."

"Are you surprised? Listen, I have 3 empty chairs here. You haven't even asked me what they're for yet."

"Alright, I'll bite. Who are they for?"

"Come on, James. You're a detective. Do some detecting."

"Jeremiah, your brother. Scarlett, my niece."

"More importantly, my love. But yes, bingo! That's two."

"And the other one?"

"Bruce Wayne!"

"No," Gordon refused.


"You can take me I won't let you have Scarlett or Bruce"

"Well I don't want you... Jim. I want my brother, my love and Bruce. I want them now"

"Alright, let me get these people out of here-"

"You're not listening to me! That is forcing my hand."

"Jerome-" but it was too late. Jerome clicked a random button and the Police Chief was dead a moment later.

"Bring me my brother. Bring me Scarlett. Bring me Wayne... Bring them now"


Scarlett's POV

After breakfast, Jeremiah went down to his office while I got changed. After I finished getting dressed my phone rang and I saw it was Gordon.


"Scarlett, please tell me you're still with Jeremiah?"

"Yeah I am. We just finished breakfast. Why? What's wrong?"

"Jerome took hostages and is demanding me to bring you, Jeremiah and Bruce to him. We have a plan. I'm on my way" and with that he hung up. I raced down to where Jeremiah was and saw he was already watching the news, the cup of tea in his hand shaking.

"Hey," I said softly but he still jumped slightly before taking a much needed breath.

"How could you have loved such a... monster?"

"You can't help who you fall in love with you just... do. Besides," I sighed and walked over to stand in front of him. "Who doesn't enjoy a little chaos? We are all perfectly sane in our own way, Miah. Sometimes it just comes down to too much or too little to my satisfaction."

Jeremiah looked down.

"I'm nothing like Jerome... Does that mean I don't have a chance? That you don't love me?"

"I'm not looking for another Jerome. I'm not looking for anyone. I already found you." I smiled. Even if I was looking for someone it would be someone who knows how to use their power in Gotham. To have the true face of sanity, order and organized chaos on this city. But, that's just crazy me talking.

"I don't want you going into Jerome's trap today," he stated with all seriousness.

"That's not up to you," I said and began to walk away when he grabbed my arm causing me to stop.

"I won't let him hurt you," he said and I could tell he meant it when I looked into his eyes that were practically pouring into mine. I found myself leaning in, and right when our lips brushed someone cleared their throat.

We both turned to see Gordon.

"Mr. Valeska, we need to talk."


Falling for a Maniac- Jerome Valeska FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now