What Does It Eat?

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Scarlett's POV

I found Bruce's crib in storage and cleaned it up before putting Xander to sleep in the same room as me. I walked into the bathroom and stared at myself.

I'm a mess.

I lifted up my shirt and winced at the scar I was given during birth. No man will ever want me again... Jeremiah wouldn't want me ever again.

Suddenly, an arm was wrapped around me to cover it and I looked up to see J frowning.

"You're so beautiful," he sighed and rested his head on my shoulder. "I can't believe you named him Xander."

"I named him after the man I fell in love with."

"I'm not him"

"I know"

He spun me around quickly and slammed me against the counter. He was practically fuming. How bipolar is he?

"If you don't love me then I have no use for you. If you toy with the little emotions I have left I will surely make you pay and maybe I'll have Xander watch. That would sure be a bonding moment and-" I slapped him across the face. He snapped his head back and his hand shot up to my neck.

I glared up at him.

"Kiss me," I demanded. And he smashed his lips against mine without hesitation. It was heated and rough. I rolled my hips against him and he groaned and moved to my neck.

"I have always loved you. Both you before and even now. You will always be apart of me, baby"

"I'm about to be apart of you right now too"

I giggled and he carried me to the bedroom.

"We have to be quiet. The baby-"

"I'm good at being quiet. It's you love who tends to be a little..."

I turned away when my cheeks turned red, but then had to hold back a scream when he slammed himself inside me.
Jeremiah's POV (you guys are gonna love this)

I woke up to the baby crying, and turned to see Scarlett completely knocked out.

I was just going to ignore it, but it just kept going. How is she not woken up by this? I got out of bed and went over to the crib and poked it in the side gently.

"Can you shut up?" I whispered in annoyance. It grabbed my finger and started sucking on it.

I pulled it back slowly and he started crying again. I heard Scarlett stir a little so I quickly put my finger back and picked him up. He looked up at me and I froze when I met his gaze.

He looked just like me... He had Scarlett's cheeks and smile though.

I thought back to me as a child. I wonder if he would spend all day drawing mazes and excel in school. Man was I boring, and I never would admit it but I'd be proud of him if he did do that.

The sun was coming up so I just decided to get breakfast with him before my darling wakes up.

When I got to the kitchen I realized I didn't think this through. What do babies even eat?

I sat him down on the table and opened the fridge while Xander looked at me with curiosity. I pulled out a few items and set them in front of him.

"Which one do you want?" I asked. His only response was drool.

"Okay... how about peas?" I held out a spoon of it to him and he made a face before swatting it away and the peas splattered on the ground. I rolled my eyes and tried bananas next and a few others he had the same reaction with before peaches.

He ate that up so quick.

"Peaches. I would've never suspected that"

After he ate I brought him in the living room. Scarlett will be up soon so she can take this pain off my hands. I sent my guys home for the day so it would just be us.

Once i set him down on the carpet he started crawling towards the fireplace.

"No, no nonono" I quickly picked him up and set him away from it and after about 3 times of the same act I just decided to sit him in my lap on the couch. He likes the fire. I started to wonder if Scarlett's abilities were able to be passed down. Is that even possible?
Scarlett's POV

When I got up I noticed Jeremiah wasn't beside me... and Xander wasn't in his crib.

Should I be worried?

I put on my silk robe and raced downstairs but stopped when I heard Jeremiah's voice in the living room. I slowly snuck in and stood behind him as I saw him reading to Xander.

Okay... what's going on?

"And this is called the energy reducer of the model. The red part represents the application, but the green will cause an explosion. You see, engineering can be very tricky," he was explaining to Xander, but the baby just started munching on the page and I heard J sigh.

"How long have you two been up?" I asked. Xander lifted his head up to me when I sat down next to J, and reached for me, asking to be picked up.

"Finally you're up! He's so annoying!" Jeremiah complained and I chuckled a little under my breath. Xander leaned over and started touching his face and Jeremiah didn't know how to react it was so cute.

"Really? Because he seems to really like you? Hold him," I suggested and he shook his head. I smirked. "Oh please, baby. You know, I'm really sore from last night... I wanted to make sure I'm rested and ready for another round tonight unless.. you wanna just take it eas-" he held Xander within seconds.

"I'll make us breakfast," I said after giving him a look.

"Don't be long!" He called after me, and I took my sweet time in the kitchen because him and I both know he absolutely loves Xander.
Word count- 972

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