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Scarlett's POV

I woke up on a black couch with a cotton blanket around my being. I sat up slowly, taking in my familiar surroundings before soon realizing where I was.

"Glad you're awake," I turned to see Jeremiah with a mug in his hand as he sat it down in front of me. I looked at the mug and raised an eyebrow at him. "It's tea. Chamomile, one of my favorites." I smiled at that, because that too was my favorite. He remembered.

I sat up and took a quick sip of the tea before turning back to him.

"Why did you faint?"

"I honestly have no idea," I shook my head laughing a little under my breath.

"Do you- do you still care for him?" I choked on my tea a bit before giving him an "see you crazy look." But he could see right through it. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you expect, J? I get over years of love in a hot minute?. I don't have feelings for him anymore those are for you but I can't stop caring about him and it drives me crazy. There are you happy?!"

He sighed. "... no."

We sat in silence for a few moments before I set my tea down and made way to change the subject.

"Where are-"

"The others? Went to Bruce's to find out how to handle the Jerome situation. I told them I would keep you here and you could keep an eye on Jerome when you woke up," he explained and my eyes went wide at the realization that Jerome was held captive by his own brother. I would've never expected that from the man standing before me, but there was something captivating about it. The borderline between sane and insane.

"Let's see the monitors" He nods and helps me up by taking my hand. We make our way underground and I smiled that he still has not let go of my hand.

Once we enter the room I fainted in he sat me down and gave me a look of concern and hesitation before turning on the monitors. There, Jerome was doing some yoga poses and once he saw the red light flashing once more he turned and faced the camera.

"Hello brother," he said in a menacing tone. I could see Jeremiah tense up and I held his hand, causing him to turn and look at me.

"Would you like to speak to him?" he asked. I thought about it for a moment before nodding. He reached out and set the microphone up in front of me. Once it was turned on he gave me the go ahead.

"Not quite, but you're close. Here, I'll give you a hint: a girl you love but she hates you," I said in a sarcastic tone. Jerome snapped his head towards the camera and if looks could kill...

"Brother... why is my love Scarlett speaking to me? I swear if you hurt her-"

"Oh get over yourself, Jerome. I'm here of my own free will and can I just say I am enjoying the view"

"You will not take her from me too, brother! No!"

"Get over yourself," I said and shut off the microphone. Jerome began slamming into the wall and screaming. I saw Jeremiah flinch next to me. I shut off the monitors and put my hand over his, making him look up at me.

"I'm sorry he's put you through so much," I sighed as I looked into his blue eyes.

He smiled weakly at that. That's when we both looked into each others eyes and before I realized I saw myself leaning in. When our lips touched, sparks flew like always. With him it always just feels... right.

I got up from my chair and sat on his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. He snaked his arms around my hips as I ran my hands through his hair. After a few minutes, we pulled away and stared at each other as we caught our breathe.

I smiled and gently climbed off of him. He stood up with me and followed me around as I glanced at his work.

"This is quite brilliant. My friend Bruce would love this," I sighed. I turned to him and smiled. "You have a brilliant mind, Jeremiah and I'm sorry you've had to hide down here with it. You have so much potential"

"Thank you, babe. No one has ever said that to me before," he smiled. We sat down on the table and I looked at him curiously. "What?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. I think I'm fall-," I was going to finish that sentence when Ecco came in.

"Gordon and Harvey will be here later tonight," this woman said.

"Thank you, Ecco," Jeremiah said and with that she left us alone. I yawned and rubbed my hands against my arms. "Are you tired, Scarlett? You could probably rest before they get here."

"Thank you, Miah, but I'm okay," I sighed and he smiled. "What?"

"You called me Miah," he sighed in satisfaction and I blushed.

"It suits you. Also, i call you lots of names like babe, dad-"

"Okay! Okay I get it" he laughed and I smiled. I put my head on his shoulder and felt myself start to drift off into sleep. I heard him chuckle.

"Alright, sleeping beauty. Let's get you upstairs," he chuckled and I groaned.

"Make me"

"If you insist," he said and seconds later he picked me up bridal style and walked out of his office carrying me towards the bedroom. He laid me down on this very soft comforter and I snuggled up. He began to walk out when I grabbed his arm.

"Stay," I muttered. He sighed but obeyed and snuggled up next to me. I was almost asleep but I still heard his last words to me for the night.

"I think I'm falling for you too, Scarlett."

Falling for a Maniac- Jerome Valeska FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ