Reignited Flame

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Scarlett's POV

"What if she goes into another coma? She just got back, Alfred and she's my best friend I-"

"Master Bruce, talk like that will not help"

"Yeah, why so negative Brucie? You're harshing my vibe man," I muttered with a smile and when I opened my eyes they were rushing to my side.

"Scarlett you're awake! You're alive!"

"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I raised an eyebrow at Bruce. He cleared his throat and Alfred and Gordon left the room. "Bruce, what's going on?"

"You died, Scarlett," he paused. "You weren't supposed to survive. I saw you flatline. You bled out"

I furrowed my brows.

"How is that possible?"

"I think it has something to do with your... abilities. In fact, Selina and I were doing some research and-"

"We think you're The Phoenix," we snapped our heads to see Selina climb through the window. "Nice to see you're alive. Maybe next time don't zone out on my warning call"

"Will do. Now, what's this about a Phoenix?"


"So you're saying I was reborn... from the fire I possess?"

"Precisely," Bruce confirmed.

"Huh," I thought about it for a second. "That's pretty damn cool"

"You're not gonna freak out or anything? This is kind of scary"

"Well yeah but I can't waste time stressing over it. Life goes on. Besides, I have somewhere to be," I stated and stood up walking to my closet to change.

"Where are you going, Scarlett?" Selina asked.

"To see an old friend"


Thunder. Lightening. Pouring rain.

I stared out the library's window at the sky of Gotham. What a gloomy day.

I was procrastinating. I didn't want to seek him out, I didn't want to open old wounds, but I know I have to.

Flipping open the book, I flipped through the pages and found a tiny daisy in the crease of one of the pages. As I read through, I found something odd. Now, I've read this book countless times but I don't remember Daisy having a son... named Xander Wilde.

That clever little shit.

I ripped out the page and burned it with my flame before easily finding his address on the computer.

I'm on my way, Miah but be warned... I'm a little fumed.


A bunker, of course. I shouldn't have expected anything less. I parked my motorcycle next to a tree in this stupid forest and stormed down the pathway, getting drenched in the process.

Banging on the door, I noticed movement above me and glanced up to see a camera. Giving it the middle finger I heard something click and the door swung open.

A woman stood in its spot.

"He's been expecting you," she nodded.

"Great. Where is he?"

"If you'll follow me," she opened up the door and I hesitated before storming in. I followed her through many hallways until we reached a locked one.

"Ecco 1482," she said and the door opened.

"Ecco, huh? Nice name," she just nodded in return.

"He's waiting for you"

I stormed in and as soon as I saw him faced away from me. His presence in the same room as me struck me will all the emotions I was trained so hard to fight. It was getting hard to breathe.

"I shouldn't have come here," I muttered and turned to leave when he spoke.

"But I'm glad you did, Scarlett," I froze in place. His voice is something I've longed to hear for years. "Or is it Minx now?"

"You've been keeping tabs on me?"

"Ever since I found out you were alive. Speaking of, how are you and my brother?" We still haven't faced each other yet. I smirked, regaining my confidence back.

"I never took you to be the jealous type, Mr. Wilde. Your brother held that title quite well"

I turned to face him only to realize he had already turned around. As soon as we locked eyes, I wanted nothing more than to run in the opposite direction. It was an instinct i've developed.

"Only ever for you, my precious Daisy," he stated with a smile but it disappeared when he saw my reaction to that nickname. I looked down and closed my fists.

"I told you not to call me that ever again," I said in a dangerously calm tone. He took a step towards me. "Don't," I warned.

He didn't listen. Why do they always choose not to listen?

"Scarlett, I-"

"WHY?!" I screamed as I made eye contact with him again, except my eyes were now orange and my palms ignited with flames. He took a step back. Good. He's learning.

"Oh, is my Jeremiah afraid now? Is your sweet and innocent daisy tarnished? Have you regretted everything you've known to be right of me?" I asked, my tone venomous.

"Stop this, my love," he said softly. I hadn't realized he was taking steps towards me. I was too enraged.

"Your love?" I spat at him and scoffed. "If you loved me you would've stayed. Maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have become... this," I paused before asking "What do you think of your precious daisy now?"


"ANSWER ME!" I roared but froze when he kissed me.

He kissed me in all my pain and glory. He tore out the flames with his lips I've been longing for since the night he left me. My flame was replaced with tears.

"Why?" I asked softly. My voice was broken just like me.

"I loved you, but I had to go. He would've killed me if I didn't"


Stupid question.

"Jerome. He tried stabbing me with the knife we used to cut your birthday cake, he set my bed on fire and kept plotting to kill me. Mother thought it was only a matter of time before he succeeded so sacrifices were made."

"And you left me there with him?"

"You and I both know Jerome adored you. He never would've hurt you." I laid a hand on his cheek and smiled weakly before using my other hand to guide his to my wound, gently placing it on top.

"He already did."

Jeremiah looked surprised. He began to tear up himself.

"I failed you." I shook my head.

"You could never"

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