Heated Interrogation

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Scarlett's POV

"Good to have you back, Chica" Barbara hugged me as we got back home. She met me at the location I sent her, and after confirming Jeremiah lost our trail we made our way back home.

"Feels good to be back," I sighed sitting in the throne chair next to hers. We both sighed and then looked at everyone ahead of us. "What are you standing around for? We've got a psychopath to stop!" I yelled and everyone went back to work. Barbara laughed. I smiled over at her. "It's obvious we're the ones needed in charge, but when will the world learn? Women should be in charge of everything," I smirked darkly (Anyone get the Sabrina the Teenage Witch reference? No? Darn.).

"I missed my partner in crime"

"I missed you too, Barbs"

Suddenly, the phone rang. I rolled my eyes and answered it.

"Scarlett speaking," I sighed.

"Scarlett, hey."

"Harvey! I'm so happy to hear from you and that you're okay. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

"Scar, something happened... Well, a lot of things happened, but Jeremiah he.."

He trailed off.

"He what, Harvs?" The part of me that loves him actually became worried something happened to him.. That's annoying.

"Scarlett.. He broke into Bruce's house and shot Selina"

I went silent. That son of a bitch... Literally.

"I-Is she-"

"No. Not yet anyway. She's in the hospital. We have Jeremiah at the station. He refused to tell us where the bombs were unless he got to speak to you and Bruce..."

"I just escaped"

"We have him in custody. He just killed the mayor, Scar. We don't have time," he stated before sighing and continued to add one more thing. "And... there's something else you need to see. Please, just get down here as soon as you can."

I looked at Barbara and she nodded in agreement, almost like she knew more than I did about what he was talking about. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Fine. I'll be there in 10" I groaned and slammed the phone down before walking out.


I walked into the station and headed straight towards the interrogation room when Harvey stopped me.

"Scarlett, you need to know something before you go in there," he started hesitantly. I raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to continue, when I heard a voice behind me.

"Harvey, honestly I think Scarlett might be taller than you now, old man," I froze and turned around to see my uncle Jim very alive. I didn't even say anything I just ran and jumped into his arms.

"Scare me like that again and i'll light you on fire," I threatened and he chuckled as we pulled away. "Listen, I'm sorry about Jeremiah I didn't know I thought I finally fell in love with a normal person for once, but I should've known better. Now, I don't know what to do and-"Jim cut my rambling off.

"Scar, you love him you can't control that. I know all about that war going on in your head, trust me. We'll talk about it later, but right now I need you to go call and check in on Selina before you interrogate him, Okay?" I nodded and went to go do just that. When I finished I walked out and Harvey pointed me to the interrogation room. Right when I walked in, Jim was punching Jeremiah.

"Jim!" I snapped and he stopped and looked at me. "I'll take it from here"

"Scar, he's not-"

"I will not say it again. Stand outside if it makes you feel better," I demanded. He hesitated before letting go of him and heading outside. I turned back to Jeremiah to see him smirking at me.

I walked up to him and saw his lip bleeding. I slowly trailed my thumb across it wiping the blood away and stared up at him before licking it off my finger.

"Why would you do that? You obviously don't feel the same way about me. You like toying with my emotions"

I pretended to look hurt. "Ouch. You don't trust me..." I looked down and paused for a moment clenching my fist. "You shouldn't." I punched him in the face before throwing him to the ground. I straddled him and held him by his collar. He kept that smirk on his face. He didn't fight me at all.

"I will admit though," I paused and put my lips to his ear. "I do have quite an attraction towards you"

"Oh honey, I could tell from the night we shared you did" I smirked at him darkly and grabbed his face pulling him close to me.

"Oh, you're too cute. See, I went easy on you. That was childs-play. You want me? All of me?"

"Yes" he sighed with his eyes closed. I knew I was his weakness. I leaned in closer, my lips brushing against his.

"You wanna be my man?"

"Yes," he growled possessively.

"Then fucking act like one," I snapped and pushed him back towards the ground. "Stop trying to out do Jerome. It's pathetic. You want my attention? Stop trying to blow up the city. It's pointless. You wanna rule Gotham, fine. This isn't the way to do it"

"You'll see it my way soon enough, and then you'll be by my side."

"And I thought you were smarter than that," I scoffed and started to get off of him when he pulled me back down and he switched our positions around.

"I am, darling. I will rule Gotham and even if every woman crawls at my feet I'd only give my attention to you. Call me insane, but you and I both know the only insane thing about me is my infatuation with you."

I froze. He had such a way with words... Scarlett snap out of it!

"You think I need someone like you to become powerful? How foolish. Jerome thought that and look where he ended up. I don't crave power, darling... I am power" I snarled as he held my wrists to the ground.

"Yes you are," He agreed and smirked at me with such lust in his eyes.

"Kiss me," I demanded and he did without hesitation. Once our heated makeup session began someone knocked on the door. I pushed him off of me and stood up, he followed suit.

"One second, Jim" I called out, wrapping him up in chain again. I pushed him against the wall and my grip tightened on his collar.

"I don't like to play games, Mister J. Bombs will only get you so far until your 6 feet underground beside your brother"

"I'll give you some time to decide your stance," he smirked. I smirked back before going back to my emotionless expression and headed out.


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