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Scarlett's POV

I woke up 2 months or so later. In a coma trying to remember everything about my life that was taken from me.

I woke up screaming his name in the hospital. Jerome's. I was going through my entire life in my sleep and that's the last thing I did, so sorry to the nurses I gave a heart attack to.

I missed a lot. Theo's dead... for the second time. Gordon killed him the first and went to prison. He's back now. The mad hatter is at large right now so that's exciting I guess.

I've been home for about a week trying to recover. Well... Bruce's home. He insisted I stay, and even hospitalized me during my coma here since Gordon was in prison. We've become so close. When I woke up, I told him everything. All I remembered, all Indian Hill did to me, and something i discovered when I woke up.

I wasn't a failed science experiment like I thought. I just take time to perfect myself before I reveal myself I guess.

I'm seen only when I want to be seen. I can move what I want from one spot in the room to the other without moving myself. And on top of that I'm an assassin. And fire apperantly erupts from my hands when someone I love dies... That was sarcasm. Fire does leave my hands, but I haven't figured that out quite yet.

Bruce wanted to kill all of those who tortured me for years. He's very protective and I admire that, but i assured him that it won't do any good. He also assured me he would protect my secret and me in general. He's such a sweetheart.

Anyways, back to my... abilities.

Why am I sitting in my room eating ice cream then if I can do something with them?

Let's put this to good use.

Minx. That's my assassins name. My other self. She does all the dirty work.

In just two weeks after coming back I have taken down multiple criminals and was secretly helping Gordon with the Mad Hatter case.

I walked into the abandoned building that his sister Alice died in and instantly regretted it when I spotted him.

"Scarlett Gordon, at last she makes an appearance"

"What do you want, hatter?"

"You of course. You're Gordon's niece," he stated and moved closer to me. "He just got you back and now he'll lose you again"

"And how is that?"

"With this" he dropped something red on my skin and I knew it was the blood of his sister. I stared at him with no emotion and after a few minutes he went wide eyed.

"Why isn't it working?! You're supposed to be crazy!"

I shrugged. "Who said I wasn't already crazy" I said before knocking him out. Time for Arkham little hatter.


Someone's POV

"She's awake," my proxy notified me. I snapped my head to her when hearing that.

"Is she okay?!"

"She... remembers everything"

I stood up and put my coat on.

Where are you going, sir?" she called after me.

"I need to see her"

"But what if she doesn't want to see you?"

"She won't. Not yet, anyways"

--time skip--

I watched her sit on Bruce Wayne's balcony staring up at the stars deep in thought. She's grown up, that's for sure. I want to just call out to her, to hold her and explain everything. But, if she remembers then she won't forgive me for leaving. Scarlett needs to come find me on her own accord. She should still have the box I gave her the night I left.


"Jeremiah, come on you're gonna miss it!" she dragged my arm through the forest behind the circus around midnight. I told her I had to talk to her, but she said before I tell her she has something more important.

I highly doubt it.

"There," we stopped short and I caught her before she fell over. Scarlett looked into my eyes and smiled that adoring smile I think about late at night when..

Jeremiah! Get rid of those thoughts you heathen. She is pure and precious. Do NOT spoil that.

"Jeremiah," Scarlett whispered bringing me back to earth. I realized how close our faces were and cleared my throat before pulling her to her feet and taking a step back.

"What was it that you wanted to show me?"

"Oh yeah! Look," she turned around and pointed to the pond before us. But, as I looked closer I could see the fireflies that lit up the dark night, illuminating the water. It was truly a sight to see. I looked at Scarlett.

"It's quite a beautiful sight," she noticed I wasn't talking about the view and looked away when her cheeks turned pink.

My heart began to race when I realized this is the last time I'd see her.

"S-scarlett," I started and closed the fists of my shaking hands. She turned back to me and became worrysome when she saw my nervous expression.

"Why, Miah what's got you all shaken up?"

This was it.

"I'm leaving," I said in a voice so low I didn't even know if she heard me.

She did.

"W-what do you mean? I know that the circus is leaving soon, but-"

"No," I stopped her. "I am leaving here. The circus. For good."

"Miah, I'm afraid I don't understand"

"My uncle is taking me away tonight. This will be the last time we ever see each other. I truly love you, my sweet Daisy and cherish all the time we've spent together but I have no choice."

Her face changed in a matter of moments and dropped my hand and stepped away from me.

"There is always a choice. You chose wrong."


"You took my first kiss. You made me believe-," she stopped and took a deep breath. She was trying to be strong but her eyes were filled to the brim with tears. "You're leaving Jerome and I alone. You said you'd never leave me, but here you are."

"I came to say goodbye."

"You did, and now you must leave. I do not wish to see you."

"Please," I pleaded and marched to her and kissed her one last time. She hesitated before kissing back, but moments later I felt myself engulfed by water.

She pushed me into the pond...

"You don't get to do that anymore. I don't know you anymore and I will NEVER forgive you!" she stated before storming away leaving me laying in the pond surrounded by fireflies.

I left the box on her bed before I left. She would see it once she got back, but I would be long gone.

I trust her not to show Jeremiah. I know she wouldn't have because that would be exposing a lie she told him.

Jerome thinks he was Scarletts first kiss, but it was really me. Just like I will be a lot of her firsts. She just has to open that box.


Falling for a Maniac- Jerome Valeska FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now