chapter 1: Meeting him

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Kunigigaoka Junior high, a school for smart people and I end up in E class.

Why? It's nothing bad. I was extremely sick for a month so I couldn't attend the school I transferred to, which means that I'm a little behind in school so the principal said it be best if I was in E class so I can catch up.

It makes me a bit nervous though, I heard from a few students that I passed by that the kids in E class are dangerous. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get along with anyone.

I guess I'll find out once I get there.

I was walking up the hill to the school, listening to music on my phone, when I saw what looked like a boy with red hair looking at me. But when I turned around for a second and looked back in the direction he was in there was nobody there...weird, it must have been my imagination.

I continued walking until I finally made it to the building. I was standing in front of the door of class E-3, I was too nervous to open it. I could feel the shy me taking over.

Suddenly I felt a tap it my shoulder, I turned around and saw a giant yellow octopus looking thing with a smile on it's face.

"Excuse me, your the new student right? (L/N), (Y/N)?" The creature said.

I nervously nodded my head.

"That's great. I'm Koro-sensei, I'll be your teacher. Don't be shy, come on in!"

Don't be shy, that's easy for most people to say.

Koro-sensei opened the door and walked inside the classroom.

"Okay class, today we have a new student with us today, please welcome (L/N), (Y/N)."

I walked inside the classroom, trying not to get nervous again.

"Would you like to say something about yourself?" Koro-sensei asked me.

Everyone's gaze turned towards me. I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't say anything. The shy me took over again.

I took out my notepad and pencil and wrote: "It's nice to meet you, I hope we get along", on it and showed it to the class.

They all looked confused, I don't blame them but once the shy me takes over it's impossible for me to speak.

"(Y/N)-san, your seat will next to Karma, he's not here right now but I'm sure you'll be fine." Koro-sensei said pointing to an empty desk in the back of the room.

Okay, I wrote on my notepad and showed to Koro-sensei before I nervously walked to my seat.

(Time Skip)

Only a few mins till lunch, let time go faster.

Suddenly there was a sound of a gunshot.

"Karma-kun stop trying to interrupt class just to try to kill me!" Koro-sensei shouted.


"Damn, so much for my surprise attack plan." A boy with red hair said, walking into the classroom.

Nobody seemed surprised that someone just tried to kill the teacher, is this a normal thing around here?

"As usual your late, take your seat karma-kun. We have a new student, she'll be sitting next to you."

"Okay." The boy- I mean Karma sat down in the empty desk next to me.

I looked at him for a few seconds then turned away when he noticed that I was looking at him.

What kind of school have gotten myself into? First a yellow octopus creature is my new teacher, then someone tried to kill him and no one was surprised about it. This obviously isn't an ordinary class.

Karma's POV:


Finally it's time for lunch, I have to figure out a new way to kill Koro-sensei.

"Hey Karma are you coming with us for lunch?" Nagisa asked.

"Just a minute. Hey, what's the new girl's name?"

"(L/N), (Y/N). I think she might be shy, she hasn't said a word, she just wrote something on a paper and showed it to everyone."

"Interesting. I'm going to see if I can get her to join us, I'll catch up with you later."


I walked over to the (h/l), (h/c) haired girl. She was sitting there reading (favorite book or manga), not paying attention to her surroundings.

"Hey what are you doing?" I said to her, causing her to look up from her book.

She looked like she was about to say something but no words came out of her mouth. Then she took out a notepad and wrote: "reading, did I do something wrong?"

"No, your name is (Y/N) (L/N) right?"

(Y/N) nodded.

"I'm Karma. Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?"


"Great. Let's go!"

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and walked over to where Nagisa and Kaede were at.

"You actually got (L/N)-san to join us?" Nagisa asked.

"Yup! (Y/N)-chan this is Nagisa and Kaede. If you were wondering, the one with blue hair is a boy not a girl."

"I don't look like a girl." Nagisa complained.

"You kinda do, Nagisa-kun." Kaede said. "So what do you like to do (Y/N)-chan?"

(Y/N) wrote on her notepad again. "Reading and watching anime"

"Are you mute (Y/N)-chan?"

"No, I'm shy so I can't talk whenever the shy me takes over."

"So (Y/N)-chan is a dandere, interesting." I said.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Why do I get the feeling that Karma smirking was a bad thing?

All well, Nagisa and Kaede seem nice. And Karma in a strange way is too.

At least I know now for sure that Nagisa is boy, I didn't want to be rude.

We talked (okay, I wrote what I wanted to say on my notepad) throughout the whole lunch time.

Nagisa told me that we had to kill Koro-sensei before the school year ends. That would explain why no one was surprised when Karma tried to kill Koro-sensei. So I'll have to do some training with them.

One things for sure, I was right when I said that this isn't a normal school.

To be continued.

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