chapter 20: Disaster strikes

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Alright it's time for the assassination to begin.

Koro-sensei watched the movie as some of us moved around. Koro-sensei was relaxed until the part that shows him reading the magazines from the other day. He started panicking as the movie continued to show all of the things he's did that he considers embarrassing.

After the movie finished Koro-sensei looked like me after running the mile and was saying that he was already dead (if that were true we wouldn't be here trying to kill him, now wouldn't we?).

"Not the best movie but it held your attention...notice anything different about the room?"

Koro-sensei looked at the floor and realized that the tide rose and now there's water on the floor. All of us who got the top score on a subject during the finals shot off 8 of his tentacles. Karma, Kaede, and everyone else on a speed boat tore apart the dome's walls. Everyone else formed a water cage around the newly broken dome. We all started shooting but purposely missed Koro-sensei, who kept trying to doge our attacks but he hasn't realized that we're trying to throw him off. Now it was time for Chiba and Hayami to make the final blow. While we had Koro-sensei distracted, Chiba and Hayami shot at Koro-sensei.

All of a sudden there was a huge explosion that sent everyone flying back. I expected myself to end up falling into the water but I was caught by Karma holding me bridal style. How the heck was he able to catch me, I don't know but my face was more red than Karma's hair.

"Are you alright (Y/N)-chan?" Karma asked.

I nodded my head.

"That's good." Karma said relieved.

Suddenly Karasama-sensei and Irina ran over to us.

"Look around to see if he's really dead! There's a chance he might still be alive." Karasuma-sensei shouted to all of us.

Suddenly something was rising out of the water. Koro-sensei popped out of the water (alive) but he looked different. He was just a head with a barrier around him and was smaller. Apparently this is another form he can that makes him invincible and last 24 hours.

So basically we weren't able to kill Koro-sensei.

Oh and I don't think Koro-sensei wants to be left alone with Karma in that form...especially since Karma almost put Koro-sensei in a not so pleasant spot...

Okay so I like anime characters and Karma, don't judge me, just like the pocky I regret nothing...



What am I doing with my life...

(Getting back on topic, cause you know I totally didn't lose focus of what I was originally talking about...*looks away and starts whistling some random anime song*) The whole class was depressed about it, especially Chiba and Hayami who felt responsible about our failed assassination attempt.

I'm just looking around at everyone as was eating some pocky. Then I noticed that some of the class looked sick. All of a sudden some of the class started were falling to the floor and all kinds of other symptoms.

Karasama-sensei came to see what was going on. Then he suddenly got a call from someone who said that he injected some of the class with a man made poison that will eventually kill them. He wants Koro-sensei in exchange for the antidote. Also he wants the two shortest students (which would be Nagisa and Kaede) and me to deliver Koro-sensei to him. I can see why he wants the two shortest students to deliver Koro-sensei to him but why me too? Maybe I should take a bat with me...or a mini gun...or a katana...or a pocket knife...or a sniper....or a box cutter...or some scissors...or a circular sa- *slapped by random person who's never heard of Yandere simulator*

Alright I'll get back to what I was talking about, then I'll go back to living under my rock and make another emo corner.

(Anyways) Someone is trying to get their hands on Koro-sensei so they can be the one to kill him. This has to be someone we know.

Koro-sensei spoke up saying that he has a bit of a plan and asked us who weren't affected by the virus to come closer to him so he can tell us his plan.

The 16 of us (me, Karma, Nagisa, Kaede, Isogai, Megu, Chiba, Hayami, Ritsu, Terasaka, Kimura, Sugaya, Yoshida, Okano, Fuwa, and Toka) went into some cars with Karasama-sensei, Irina, and Koro-sensei (though since he was in his ultimate defense form we had to put him in a bag and carry him with us).

We arrived at the edge of a cliff. Ritsu explained that the building that the person who poisoned the class was in was at the top of the cliff.

We had two options, option one would be for Nagisa, Kaede, and I to go to the front desk and hand Koro-sensei over to them, and option two would be for all of us to climb up the cliff and sneak into the building and take the antidote from him (no one tell my mother about this, if she knew about this she'll show up over here faster than Sebastian or any other anime character that's fast and the end result will be something getting blown up. I'm surprised that the cop's aren't after her yet.)

Though I'm afraid there might be a chance that I'll have to use my kinda newly discovered/slightly terrifying power. I can control it better now and I'm wearing the bracelet but I'm still scared of hurting anyone, especially Karma. And the only ones who know about my hidden/slightly terrifying abilities are me, my mother, and Karma. No one else knows about it.

Karma must have realized what was on my mind because he grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry (Y/N)-chan, I'm here for you." Karma whispered.

I smiled a little. I won't use it unless I really have to. I shouldn't have to worry though, Karma is here with me.

The person who wants Koro-sensei better watch out, because knowing E-class were not going to go down without a fight.

To be continued.

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