chapter 3: New teacher

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"Students, you have a new teacher joining us." Karasuma-sensei said.

We all stared at the blonde haired, blue eyed woman. She was happily clinging on to Koro-sensei.

This is obviously a trap.

"Hi! My name is Irina Jelavic, it's nice to meet you all!" She said with a smile on her face.

I've seen enough anime to know that this a trap, after all if she's here it means that she going to try to kill Koro-sensei too.

And it seems like Koro-sensei is being a huge pervert...

This is going be a long day.

But for some reason the name Irina Jelavic sounds familiar, I wonder why...

(Time skip)

"Pass and kill." Karma said trying to shoot Koro-sensei after kicking a soccer ball.

Everyone is playing soccer with Koro-sensei and trying to strike at him at the same time.

Being bad at sports, I didn't really have much luck trying to strike at Koro-sensei.

"Koro-sensei!~<3" Irina Jelavic shouted waving her arm in the air.

*cough* trap. *cough*

"Karasuma told me that you can go mock 20!" Irina Jelavic said acting sweet and making Koro-sensei blush.


"Well he may have over exaggerated just a tad bit..." Koro-sensei said with his face turning pink.

"Could you get me some coffee? I would like to have some before class starts.~<3"

"Okay, I know just the place!" Koro-sensei said before he flew off.

"Um miss? Class is about to start..." Isogai said

"Yeah whatever, and don't call me miss when the octopus is not around." Irina Jelavic said coldly, dropping the sweet teacher act.

I knew it, it is a trap.

"Hey b*tch-sensei, hate to tell you this but killing Koro-sensei isn't easy." Karma said.

I know she isn't very nice but what's with the nickname?

"Quit with the b*tching! I'm going to kill that octopus so you should just go home and let the professionals handle this."

Everyone looked pissed off, I still couldn't help but think that Irina Jelavic seemed familiar somehow...have I met her before?

Irina Jelavic walked up Nagisa. "You must be Nagisa-kun." She said and kissed Nagisa on the lips, making him fall to the floor.

Everyone, especially Kaede, was shocked. I kinda was too but their wasn't any emotion on my face.

"Your the one who has a list of the octopus' weakness, come to my office at lunch and tell me what they are." Jelavic said.

Koro-sensei showed up and Jelavic put on her sweet girl act again.

"Are you okay Nagisa-kun?" I asked quietly, holding my hand out for him.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks (L/N)-san." Nagisa said and grabbed my hand.

We headed to class after all of that commotion. But I could help but wonder...

...Have I met Irina Jelavic before?

(The next day)

No one seems to like Jelavic's attitude, to mention that they seem to enjoy calling her b*tch-sensei. Not that I blame them, she's more interested in killing Koro-sensei than she is being a teacher.

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