Chapter 13: Crushes

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Love is too complicated.

I don't know what to do, I've fallen in love with Karma but I've never been in love before so don't know what to do!

And I'm not talking about an anime crush kind of love, I'm talking about the being in love with a real person kind of love. Why can't real relationships be like relationships in amines?

I was walking to school with Karma, Nagisa, and Sugino but I wasn't really paying attention since these thoughts about having a crush on someone were on my mind.

Should I tell someone that I have a crush on Karma? No, I'll never hear the end of it, especially when it comes to Kaede and Koro-sensei. E-class is just too noisy, I have no intention of becoming a victim.

"We can use Nagisa-kun as bait, we can take a bunch of wallets that way." Karma said.

Did I mention that love is too complicated?

"I didn't realize that delinquents had a season..." Nagisa said.

They do, only they usually pick on people like me (unfortunately).

Sugino was staring at some people playing baseball then they walked up to him. They were having a conversation with him, though what bothered me was when one of them said this:

"Your so lucky, you get to be in E-class goofing off all day!"

Goofing off eh? You try keeping your grades up while thinking of new ways to kill your teacher. You can do that while I use your bat to solve some "problems" starting with (Enemy's name)...

...Ignore me, I have problems...

"We have to hit the books and play like our lives depend on it."

Your lives won't depend on it if the world is destroyed next year, and we're the ones who are trying to prevent that from happening...

...Alright, I'll shut up now, if you need me I'll be in the emo corner next to Tamaki (praise my stupidity everyone)...

...And people wonder why I rarely talk.

"Don't trying to reason with him, he doesn't know what it's like to be one of the best." The person who I'm assuming is the leader said.

"It seems to me like someone thinks their one of the chosen ones." Karma said.

"I am."

"We'll see after the sports tournament." Karma said.

Wait...what sports tournament?

(Time skip)

Somebody kill me (not literally).

A sports tournament and E-class has to participate in the exhibition match. The boys against the boy's baseball team and the girls against the girl's basketball team...

(Sarcastic tone) Oh great, my two "favorite" things, sports and participation...and I just "love" basketball...

*mentality cries in a corner* It's time to write my will (again). Starting with my mother who somehow manages to send me packages that explode one of those firework poppers that they give to kids in my eye, causing me to have to wear an eye patch like Kaneki, who just wanted to go on a date but life is horrible and now his best friend is dead, and I'm shutting up now...

But seriously, a sports tournament. And the girls have to play basketball, I've never made a shot in my life.

Koro-sensei was excited though, of course he is he's helping the boys with baseball.

Everyone was practicing, and I...was currently dying on the inside. The girls were practicing basketball but every time the ball was thrown in my direction I either froze up or ran for the hills. I can't help it, it's an instinct and what happens when you get bullied for getting hit the ball too much...

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