chapter 18: Confession

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Finals have started and E-class is competing against A-class to get the top score in the most subjects. A bit nerve wreaking but I have set my own personal goal.

After finals I'm going to confess to Karma.

Once again, that's MUCH easier said than done but I'm going to (attempt to) do it.

Anyways, everyone's been trying hard for the past few days. Though Karma is lazily doing the finals the entire time, I wonder if he will do okay on the finals.

I hope I get the top score on a subject, that would mean one of Koro-sensei's tentacles would get to be cut off on our next assassination attempt. I wonder what the results are going to look like, hopefully better than midterms.

(Time skip to the results)

Koro-sensei is going to announce the results.

Rio got the top score in English, I tied for 2nd with Asano.

Kanzaki was 2nd in poetry, I got the same score as Kanzaki, Asano was 1st.

Isogai got the top score in Social Studies, I also tied for 2nd Asano in this subject.

Okuda got the top score in chemistry, I tied for second with Asano again.

And now for math, though E-class pretty much won the bet against A-class.

"And the top score for math in E-class is (Y/N) (L/N), and you tied for the top score in math with Asano. That's another tentacle down." Koro-sensei said.

Yes, I got the top score in math! I never really been good or bad with math so it's a little surprised that I got the top score, though I tied for 1st with Asano. It doesn't matter, I got a tentacle down for our next assassination attempt.

(Time skip)

Everyone was celebrating about our victory against A-class. Karma went outside, he didn't look too happy though, it must have been the finals results. I went outside after him, no I'm not stalking anybody, I'm not Yandere-chan, good game though.

By the time I saw Karma, Koro-sensei was talking to him about something and Karma blushed a lot, which made him look cute. *slaps myself*

Karma got pissed off and walked away, and I ran after him. Karma saw me run after him and he stopped walking and turned around.

"(Y/N)-chan, did you need something?" Karma asked.

I'm starting to feel really nervous, but there's no turning back now.

"U-Um K-Karma-kun...I-I...I'm in love with you! I-I s-said it...I'm going to die..." I said shyly, nervously, and panicky. My face was more red than Karma's hair.

Any confidence that I might have had (oh who am I kidding, I was stuttering the entire time) has just left me and now I am digging myself a hole to die of embarrassment in.

"(Y/N)-chan, stop digging yourself a hole to die in." Karma said. "I have a confession to make too."

Karma's face was a bit red, then suddenly he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him...

...And kissed me...

...On the lips...

...Give me a minute to process all of this...




...Karma just kissed me!!! Do I fan girl now or I die (again) from embarrassment?!

"(Y/N)-chan, I'm in love with you too." Karma said blushing as much as I was.

And that's when I heard it, a certain someone laughing behind the bushes and writing something down.

I took out my anti-Koro-sensei knife and threw it in the direction of the laughter. Koro-sensei jumped out of the bushes to avoid getting hit by the knife.

I thought so.

And now Karma is chasing after Koro-sensei with his gun.

I shall take this opportunity of being alone to fan girl without anyone looking at me like I'm insane.

(The next day)

So it turns out instead of Koro-sensei just losing 4 tentacles, he's going to be losing 8 tentacles. Terasaka and his gang members all got the top score in home ec. Koro-sensei tried to convince everyone that home ec doesn't count but Karma said something and now Koro-sensei has to lose 8 tentacles (I'm going to assume that this is Karma's payback from yesterday).

Today we have another assembly at lunch but this time Karma showed up. I was walking with Karma the entire time. Karma suddenly held my hand which made me blush. Unfortunately Kaede saw that.

"Karma-kun is holding (Y/N)-chan's hand! Did something happen~?" Kaede asked.

"U-Um...I-I-" I started to say but was interrupted by Karma.

"We're dating now. (Y/N)-chan is my girlfriend." Karma said.

Hide me, I'm currently dying of embarrassment. He called me his girlfriend, I'm fan girling and dying at the same time.

"I ship it!!! OTP!!! The ship has sailed!!!" Kaede started fan girling.

Unfortunately everyone heard.

"Karma-kun and (Y/N)-chan are dating?!?!"

Oh great. First Koro-sensei, then Kaede, and now the rest of E-class. I'm dying (again).

Karma patted my head. "Your so cute when you blush. Don't worry (Y/N)-chan, you don't have be so embarrassed. Your an adorable dandere." Karma said.

(Finally) we arrived at the main campus. E-class discussed with A-class about the deal. The main campus teachers tried to use us as an example for not slacking off but it was hard since we got really high scores.

When we got back to class, Koro-sensei made us guide books for the summer trip that was MUCH thicker than the one for Kyoto (though I'm already 3/4 done with it).

The entire class agreed to use our advantage of having 8 of Koro-sensei's tentacles get cut off during our summer trip.

I'm ready for summer vacation, after the summer trip I'll be spending my time watching anime, reading, playing games like Yandere Simulator, Ib, and Corpse Party, and raiding all of the nearby stores for pocky. Though my parents might visit me (hopefully my mother doesn't blow anything up again) so I'll have to be social for a few minutes.

Anyways, everyone is exited for the summer trip. And for once I am too (though I need to go shopping for pocky before I leave). I wonder if anything exciting will happen during the trip?

To be continued.

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