Chapter 29: Competition

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Question, does grabbing a person by the arm and dragging them someplace to "investigate" only to be taken to a cafe against their own free will count as kidnapping? (Well at least I wasn't unconscious this time).

Right after school as soon as I was about to leave Kaede grabbed me by the arm and dragged me with her. She told me that they (Kaede, Nagisa, Megu, Okajima, and Maehara) were (stalking) "investigating" Isogai, but we ended up ordering things in a cafe. Not to mention that Kaede forgot her wallet and she started giving me the "I want something" face. (Note to self: stop being such a pushover).

"I promise I'll pay you back (Y/N)-chan." Kaede said.

"Y-You said last time I paid for you..." I said quietly.

"I'll pay you back for that too." Kaede said. "At least this time you're getting a discount since Isogai works here."

I forgot to mention that Isogai is currently working at the cafe we're in because his mother is currently too sick to work so he's been secretly (well it's not really a secret anyone) working to help pay bills. Of course having a job is against school rules, which is stupid, they let people do it in America (A/N: Well my school does anyway), so we have to this a secret for him, which is why we're getting a discount. So basically he's being blackmailed. I tried paying for the whole thing but Isogai insisted on giving me a discount.

Kaede, Nagisa, Megu, Okajima, and Maehara were talking about how cool Isogai was while I was playing Danganronpa 2 (A/N: small spoiler for anyone who hasn't played or at least watched someone play it.) At the part where everyone discovers that Nagito is dead. Koro sensei suddenly said something, surprising everyone that he was here (I saw him a bit earlier when I looked up from my game for a few seconds). Apparently Koro-sensei has known about this for awhile now but has kept quiet because of the cake in this cafe. Is everyone using blackmail for things in the cafe?!

Suddenly the cafe door opened, reveling those guys from A-class who challenged us during finals who's names I still don't (bother to) remember. Oh and Asano was there too (ignore me as I slowly sink down under the table in attempt to hide from Asano).

Asano threatened to tell his father about Isogai working, which would get him expelled, unless the E-class boy's can beat the A-class boy's in a pole tipping (A/N: is that what it was called? I forgot.) competition during the sports festival...

...Wait a minute, there's a sports festival too?! You mean that sports competition last semester wasn't the only sport's related event that everyone has to participate in?! And not to mention that most things in a sports festival involve running...well it looks like I'm going to die thanks to the evils of running.

(Time skip)

"It won't be that bad (Y/N)-chan, you just have to participate in one race. It's not like you have to make it in first place." Kaede said.

"N-No but r-running is evil a-and people a-are so c-competitive..." I said shyly.

Not to mention I'm pretty sure that the girl from the basketball team remembers about my lack of athletic skills and I somehow managed to get the ball into the basket (magic...I'm just kidding...mostly).

"It'll be fine (Y/N)-chan, please stop trying to break your leg..." Kaede said, trying to get me to stop twisting my leg.

" I-I'm n-not trying t-to break m-my l-leg...I'm t-trying to s-sprain my k-knee..." I said shyly. "I-I'll still be a-able to w-walk (even though it will hurt)...I-I just w-won't be able to r-run..."

"(Y/N)-chan! It's only one race, you don't have to do anything drastic!" Kaede said.

Before Kaede could argue about getting to stop trying to sprain my knee some more (or before I could actually sprain my knee), Isogai came over to us.

"Hey (L/N)-san?" Isogai asked.

"Y-Yes...?" I asked.

"Could you do me a favor?" Isogai asked.

A favor? Is this about the pole tipping competition?

"W-What is it...?" I asked.

(Time skip)

"For someone who kept insisting that running is evil, you sure ran pretty fast." Karma said.

I didn't say anything, I was too busy giving a girl from the race I was in my "emotionless death stare" with a "I'm going to kill somebody" vibe.

"She even got first place, however..." Kaede said and looked at me.


"Why is (Y/N)-chan giving off a "I'm going to murder somebody" vibe?" Karma asked.

"Because the girl standing right next to her at the beginning of the race said that (favorite anime) was the worst anime ever and that (favorite book/magna) was the worst book/magna ever, and whoever likes that is stupid. Oh, and then she said that (Y/N)-chan was slow for a tall person." Kaede said.

Karma just hugged me and I stopped giving off a "I'm going to kill somebody" vibe.

"Better now?" Karma said.

"I-I'm playing Yandere s-simulator w-when I g-get home..." I said shyly.

"Say (Y/N)-chan, what was that favor Isogai asked you to do?" Kaede asked.

"J-ust information f-for t-the pole t-tipping c-competition...s-since I'm q-quiet enough to g-get information w-without getting c-caught..." I said shyly.

"Well I should get going now, since it's time for the pole tipping competition, see you later (Y/N)-chan." Karma said and patted my head.

The E class boy's won in the end, of course Asano (and those other guys who names I'm too lazy to remember, not that it matters I'm not going to talk to them anyway) wasn't happy about it. I'm just going to walk away slowly before he see's me (or before Karma says anything to him).

Never mind, Karma already said something. I'm just going to leave without anyone noticing and go back to playing Danganronpa 2.

???'s POV:

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" One of the scientists asked.

"Of course I do, why else would I be here?" I said. "Hurry up with it already!"

"You want to inject (Y/N)'s DNA and the more dangerous tentacles?" The scientist asked.

"That's correct, now do it." I said.
"Alright..." The scientist said.

Finally, soon I'll be able to kill (Y/N) (L/N).

To be continued

(A/N: I apologize for taking forever again. I had writer's block for this chapter so this chapter isn't very good. And it didn't help that my phone kept shutting off for no reason, it's okay for now, my laptop is at my uncle's house at the moment for fixing things. Has anyone else seen Danganronpa 3 future arc? (Spoilers ahead) I didn't think they would kill off an important character in the first episode, second episode maybe but not the first episode. Anyways, thanks for waiting for this chapter again.)

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