Christmas special: When snow falls

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A/N: This is a short-ish story that doesn't really tie into the main story, it's just a Christmas special. Enjoy!


Christmas, a time where families celebrate together...

...Well at least after I'm done being my usual anti-social self.

But this year is different, my parents just called saying that the airports in America had to stay closed so I'm spending my Christmas alone.

Koro-sensei said our class was having a Christmas party on Christmas eve so I made cookies for everyone as their gifts, I had them in a giant bag.

But I had a separate bag that was holding a special present, hopefully I can be confident enough to give it to him.

As soon as I made my way to the school I entered class E-3. I placed my black sweater and (f/c) scarf on my desk, using it to hide the special present.

"(Y/N)-chan, what's in the bag!" Kaede asked, coming out of nowhere.

"B-Bag...?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah, the huge bag you've been holding on to this whole time." Kaede said.

I sighed in my mind in relief, good she didn't see it, if she did I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"It has the presents that I made for everyone..." I said shyly, I took out Kaede's gift. "This one's yours Kaede-chan." I gave Kaede the gift.

"Thanks (Y/N)-chan!" Kaede said and opened the gift.

"(Y/N)-san, are those cookies?" Koro-sensei asked coming out of nowhere (why is everyone coming out of nowhere today).

"Y-Yes, here is yours." I said shyly, handing Koro-sensei his gift.

Koro-sensei opened the gift and started eating the cookies.

"Don't eat all of the cookies Koro-sensei..." Kaede and I said sweatdroping.

Okuda and Rio entered the classroom.

"Hello Kaede-san and (Y/N)-san." Okuda said smiling.

"H-Hello Okuda-san and Rio-san. H-Here I made this for you guys..." I said shyly handing Okuda and Rio their gifts.

"Thank you (Y/N)-san." Okuda said.

"Thanks (Y/N)-chan!" Rio said. "Your not with your boyfriend Karma-kun?"

I blushed. "K-Karma-kun is not my boyfriend...we're just friends..." I said shyly.

"Somebody's just too shy to admit that they like Karma-kun." Rio teased.

"N-No..." I said shyly and quietly.

"Rio-san, don't pick on (Y/N)-san." Okuda said.

"Sorry (Y/N)-chan, but where is Karma-kun anyway? I thought he'd be here since (Y/N)-chan is here, they usually walk together." Rio said.

"Karma-kun said he had to stop somewhere before coming...he said it was important...I offered to wait for him but he said that I should go on ahead..." I said shyly.

"It might be a present for someone he likes." Kaede said.

"Yes that has to be it, (Y/N)-chan has a rival!" Rio said.

"W-We're just friends...I don't have a rival..." I said shyly.

"Your jumping to conclusions, it might not even be that." Okuda said.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan, what are you guys talking about?"

I turned around and saw Karma standing behind me. My face turned red, somebody hide me.

"We're talking about (Y/N)-san's cookies, their really good." Okuda said, she obviously noticed my state of panic despite my face not showing much emotion like usual.

"Y-Yeah I made cookies for everyone." I said shyly, handing Karma his.

Karma patted my head. "Thanks (Y/N)-chan, I'm sure you worked hard making these for everyone." Karma said smiling.

I blushed a little, that was a close one.

After everyone showed up (and I nervously gave everyone their gifts) the party began.

I'm not very social at parties, so after awhile I put my black sweater and (f/c) scarf on, grabbed the bag with the special present, and went outside.

I sat on the steps of the school and put my earphones on and started to drown out society with music.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped a little and turned around. Karma was standing there smirking.

"(Y/N)-chan's face is adorable when when she's surprised." Karma teased.

"P-Please stop teasing me Karma-kun..." I said shyly.

"What are you doing out here by yourself anyway?" Karma asked.

"I'm not very social...I felt like being by myself for a while..." I said shyly.

"Okay then I'll leave." Karma said.

Karma was about to leave but then I grabbed the back of his jacket.

"(Y/N)-chan?" Karma asked confused.

"Um...K-Karma-kun..." I said shyly and nervously.

There's no turning back now, I quickly handed Karma the bag with and looked away so he wouldn't see the redness of my face.

"Is this for me?" Karma asked.

"Y-Yes...your the first friend I've ever made and it's Christmas eve so I made something special for you...I don't know if you'll like it though..." I said shyly.

Karma opened the gift, revealing the hand made red and black bracelet.

"You made this for me?" Karma asked.

I nodded.

"Thanks (Y/N)-chan, here's your gift. I had to get it this morning, that's why I didn't walk to school with you." Karma said.

He gave me a (favorite anime) bookmark with a little chibi figure of (favorite anime character) attached to it.

"I know you like reading and anime so I got you this." Karma said. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Karma was blushing a little.

"Thank you Karma-kun." I said quietly and smiling.

We stayed outside talking to each other. Okay, Karma did most of the talking, but I talked a little too. I even told him about how I'm spending Christmas alone.

"You can spend Christmas with me (Y/N)-chan, my parents are working too." Karma said.

"R-Really?" I asked quietly.

Karma smiled. "Yup. Oh look it's snowing."

I looked up and saw snow falling from the sky. Karma rested his head on my shoulder, at first it made me nervous but I let him stay there.

Karma sitting next to me made me feel warm inside, even when snow falls.

To be continued (the story, not the Christmas special, that's finished.)

(A/N: okay, so it's not really that short. And if your wondering where chapter 6 is, it appeared after chapter 1 for some reason. I don't know why it did that and I don't know how to fix it, good thing I numbered it)

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