chapter 11: Mysterious people

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We're having another new student today. I'm not really paying attention to my surroundings right now though, I'm not in a good mood today. (Enemy's name) has been on my mind since the other day, and of course this rain isn't helping either (don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the rain, I just don't like being outside in the rain). I wish she would just leave me alone, I've gotten a bit comfortable here at E class I don't want (Enemy's name) to repeat what happened a few years back.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan, are you okay?" Karma whispered to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "I-I'm fine...what makes you think that...?" I shyly whisper back.

"This." Karma said, holding up my notepad. I was unconsciously drawing a picture of a girl crying, looking like she was in a lot of pain.

"I-I got "distracted"...." I said nervously.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing a man dressed in all white.

"My name is Shiro, I'm not the new student though I'm just his guardian." Shiro said, observing the classroom. Is it just me, or did he make direct eye contact with me for a few seconds?

"Is there something wrong?" Koro-sensei asked.

"No I was just looking around. Itona you can come in now!" Shiro said.

Suddenly, the wall in the back of the class was destroyed. A boy with White hair and yellowish, greenish eyes walked into the classroom.

"This is Itona Horibe, you can just call him Itona." Shiro said.

"I have proven to be stronger than the classroom wall." Itona said and sat on the other side of Karma.

Goodbye to any logic that might have still stayed here in the classroom.

"Hey, it's raining really badly outside but your completely dry, how is that?" Karma asked.

I'd like to know that too, otherwise I'm going with the logic being thrown out the window thing.

Itona walked up to and started petting his head.

"Your the strongest one in the class. But don't worry, your weaker than me, so I won't kill you." Itona said.

Then he walked up to me and did the same thing.

"We may be similar but I'm still stronger than you, so I won't kill you either." He said.

Similar, what is that supposed to mean?

"I only kill things that are stronger than me, and that would be you Koro-sensei." Itona said.

"Well of course." Koro-sensei said.

"Your not that stronger than me, after all we're brothers." Itona said.

Goodbye logic, I'll see you when I get back to reality.

Everyone was shocked, well I had my usual emotionless expression but I reacted a bit on the inside.

Itona challenged Koro-sensei to fight after school. But the whole "we're similar" thing still bothers me, what's that supposed to mean?

(Time skip)

"I have no what that's supposed to mean either." Kaede said.

"I've never seen him before and I'm not strong so what he said has been bothering me..." I said quietly.

"I know, and he said him and Koro-sensei are brothers. How does that work?" Kaede said.

"I don't know..." I said quietly and took a bite of my food.

"Well Itona has Koro-sensei's sweet tooth." Kaede said.

She's right, Itona is eating as much sweets as Koro-sensei. I'm just going to hide my pocky from them...

The whole class started comparing Itona and Koro-sensei. I would still like to know what he meant by "we're similar" but my dandere side makes me too nervous to ask.

All well, there's still Itona's and Koro-sensei's fight after school. Hopefully it stops raining by then.

(Time skip)

It's time for Itona's and Koro-sensei's fight. The whole class was made into an arena.

"You know the rules, stepping out of the ring means you lose, in your case Koro-sensei, that would mean death." Shiro said.

"And another rule, no spectators are allowed to be harmed." Koro-sensei said.

"Agreed." Shiro said and signaled the assassination to start. "Let the assassination begin!"

Suddenly one of Koro-sensei's tentacles were chopped off. It turns out that Itona has tentacles of his own. This probably explains how him and Koro-sensei are brothers but that still doesn't explain what he meant by "we're similar" (yeah, that's still bothering me).

Koro-sensei got really angry at this, making his face turn black.

"Where did you get those tentacles?!" Koro-sensei asked, really pissed off.

"We won't be answering that." Shiro said.

The fight wasn't going too well for Koro-sensei. He shed his skin to avoid Itona's attack but apparently that reduces his speed and apparently growing back his tentacles makes him lose his speed too.

Then Itona chopped off some of Koro-sensei's legs.

"Looks like you'll have to grow back your legs Koro-sensei, of course that means your speed will be reduced again." Shiro said.

Looks like they might actually kill Koro-sensei, but then what about us?

I grabbed my anti-Koro-sensei knife, but then it was suddenly taken from my hands. It had to be Koro-sensei, who else could have grabbed my anti-Koro-sensei knife that fast?

Itona was about to finish Koro-sensei off but his tentacles got cut off. Koro-sensei had used a bunch of anti-Koro-sensei knives to cut off Itona's tentacles. Then Koro-sensei wrapped Itona up in his extra skin that he shed and threw him out the window.

"My extra skin protected you from getting hurt, but technically your out of the ring which means that I win and you lose!" Koro-sensei said in a cocky tone.

Itona's loss made him pissed however, and his tentacles turned black. He was about to attack Koro-sensei again but Shiro shot him with a dart and Itona fell unconscious. Shiro picked Itona up and started to leave the classroom. Koro-sensei tried to stop him but Shiro's clothes were made out of anti-Koro-sensei fabric, making one of Koro-sensei's tentacles melt off.

"We will see each other again, and (Y/N)-san, I'm interested in seeing when your full potential awakens." Shiro said before he walked away.

What did he by that? I didn't even do anything today.

Note to self: start carrying a bat with me.

(Time skip)

Koro-sensei was embarrassed because he brought out his serious side and he claims that he's supposed to be the comic relief.

Anyways, after the whole class put the desks back where they belong we went outside to see Karasuma-sensei. We ask him to train us because we want to be the ones to kill Koro-sensei.

After doing some training everyone went home. I was outside waiting for Karma so we can walk home together like usual.

"So it is true, my dear "friend" (Y/N)-chan is in E class."

I turned around and saw (Enemy's name) standing there with a fake smile on her face. What is she doing here?!

"Still not taking to me (Y/N)-chan? Why? Is it because your shy?" (Enemy's name) dropped her nice girl act. "Or is it because I made your life a living hell? Oh (Y/N)-chan, did you really think you can run from me? I'll make sure the world hates you for as long as you live!"

Somebody please help me!

To be continued.

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