chapter 12: Wolf in sheep's clothing

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"That's (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Yeah the girl who barely speaks."

"I find it hard to believe she did that to (Enemy's name)."

"(Enemy's name) said so herself, she was even crying."

"It's always the quiet ones."

"(Y/N)-san is a horrible person."



"Go die."

"Why would you hurt such a nice person?"

Lies, that's all that heard. And the source of these lies was (Enemy's name), the person I once thought I could trust, the person I once thought was my friend.

It seemed like a normal friendship at first, (Enemy's name) asked me to be friends with her, being the shy person that I was I agreed because I didn't want to be rude, no has ever asked me to be their friend so I didn't know how to react. I slowly started to open up to her, words actually came out of my mouth when I was around her.

Little did I know that (Enemy's name)'s "friendship" with me was just an act.

"(Y/N)-chan are you okay? You look like you've haven't slept in days, and I'm pretty sure it's not because you've been watching anime at night." Karma said in a worried tone.

"I-I'm f-fine..." I said shyly and nervously.

How can I sleep? (Enemy's name) is freaking EVERYWHERE, whether it's in the woods or in my nightmares, she's ALWAYS there just waiting for me to snap. I just want her to leave me alone! I don't even know why she hates me so much, what did I do wrong?!

Can I just curl up in a ball and die?

Karma suddenly, out of nowhere hugged me.

"It's okay (Y/N)-chan, you can tell me what's been bothering you when your ready, just don't keep it bottled in forever okay?" Karma said.

"O-Okay..." I said shyly, blushing a bit.

Karma made me feel a little bit better, I'm glad I can call him my friend and he's not fake like a certain someone I wish I didn't know.

Maybe I'll tell him what's been bothering me later, I might end up falling asleep in Koro-sensei's class again though...

(Time skip)

I managed to stay awake all day so far. Okay I almost fell asleep three times today but I didn't so that's an accomplishment (don't judge me, I'm tired).

Irina was giving her usual class when suddenly there was an interruption.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm looking for my "friend" (Y/N)-chan." (Enemy's name) said, coming out of nowhere.

Does anyone have a death note I can barrow?

I screamed inside my head, now she's coming into my classroom?! Knowing (Enemy's name), no one is going to believe that she's actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Currently panicking, I did the first thing I could think of, run for the hills before anyone realizes that I'm gone.

Karma's POV:

That's the girl (Y/N) said she never wanted to see again, but then why did she call (Y/N) her friend?

I was about to ask (Y/N) about it but when I turned around (Y/N) was gone. (Y/N) isn't the kind of person who ditches class so this girl must have done something, but what?

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