Valentine's Special: Pocky game

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1) Yes, I'm working on the next chapter but I've haven't had a homework free day in forever. Plus I've been trying to update at least 3 different stories at once, so please be patient with me. I would rather take a long time making a good/decent chapter than a rushed bad chapter.

2) It's only fair that I give you guys a Valentine's day special for forever alone day- I mean Valentine's day since you've been waiting for forever and I wasn't able to make one last year due to getting extremely sick on that weekend.

3) The drawing on top is Karma and Reader-chan. Hopefully it looks okay since while I'm improving on drawing boys, I still have some trouble with them and Karma is a character that already exists and not an OC so it was a little difficult.

Hope you enjoy, I tried.





Coco power...



I looked at some of the ingredients I bought for the chocolate truffles I was making. The pocky is for me (isn't always though? #pockyaddict).

Tomorrow is forever alone day- I mean Valentine's day so I'm making chocolate truffles for Karma.

You know, I've noticed that baking has become a usual thing for me now instead of just a thing I do when I have the sudden urge to bake something I see on YouTube.

I never thought there'd be a day where I would be making chocolate for someone on forever alone day- I mean Valentine's day.

It's become a habit of mine to address Valentine's day as forever alone day, well I guess that isn't true anymore.

I hope they come okay, it's been years since I've last made truffles.

As I was decorating the chocolate truffles my phone started ringing, that's strange I usually get more texts than calls because of my quiet tone. I picked up the phone to see who was calling me.

It's Karma.

I picked up my phone and answered the call.

"H-hello...?" I said shyly.

"How's my adorable Dandere girlfriend ~?" Karma teased.

I immediately blushed.

"W-What...?!" I said panicky.

"I can tell by you're cute panicked, stuttering tone that you are blushing right now. How cute. ~" Karma teased.

I blushed even more. Why is Karma suddenly being extra flirty today?! Earlier today he hugged me as I was reading carried me bridal style (but at that time Asano was passing by so I figured out why he did that).

"W-What are you p-plotting...?" I asked shyly.

"You figured it out." Karma said.

So I was right. I'm worried now...

"I'm outside you're house right now." Karma said. "I just wanted to get some cute reactions from you."

I immediately put the chocolate truffles in the fridge and went to go open the door. There stood Karma with his phone in his hand.

"Hello (Y/N)-chan~!" Karma said putting his phone away and walking over to my and patting my head.

"W-What are y-you doing here...?" I asked shyly, trying to hide my blush.

"I wanted to visit my girlfriend...and just maybe see what you were doing for tomorrow." Karma said.

So that's his intention...

...Is it bad that 90% of the time I know that Karma is scheming something? Should I be concerned?

"Oh, you have chocolate on you're cheek (Y/N)-chan." Karma said.

I do? Oh wait, I must have forgotten that I um, "taste tested" the nutella earlier.

(A/N: because pretty much everyone "taste tests" nutella, and then people question what happened to half of it after you "taste tested" it.)

Before I could wipe the nutella off of my cheek, Karma brought his face closer to my cheek and kissed the area of my cheek with the nutella. I immediately panicked and (jumped) moved away from him, with my face as red as his hair... No, it was redder than his hair.

"K-Karma-kun...W-What are y-you doing...?!" I asked shyly, still heavily blushing.

"You're so cute (Y/N)-chan." Karma teased. "Of course, considering the taste of chocolate that was on you're cheek, that means you were making chocolate earlier, specifically Valentine's day chocolate ~"

He didn't have to kiss my cheek to figure that out, he just wanted to tease me again.

"Can I have an early Valentine's day gift (Y/N)-chan ~?" Karma asked.

"W-What...?!" I said shyly, trying to stop blushing.

Before I could ask anything else, Karma grabbed one of the (favorite flavor) pocky sticks that I left on the living room table and placed the pocky in my mouth. Karma then bit onto the other end of the pocky and began to move closer.

I had no idea how to react to the event's currently happening. (A/N: Reader-chan exe has stopped working, sorry not sorry) Normally I would try to back away but my pocky addict instincts kicked in and I started trying to get more of the pocky than Karma.

I ended up moving closer, trying to obtain more of the pocky. Karma had done the same, but he was probably more interested in getting to the last piece of pocky than actually eating it.

The next thing I knew we were down to the last piece. Karma was tempted to smirk at our current situation but he didn't since it would break the last piece and separate us from each other.

I slowly tried to move closer, however Karma tried to do the same thing at the same time. Our lips met as it melted into a kiss.

(A/N: And since I've never personally played the pocky game myself before, whatever happened after that part is up to you're imagination)

After that whole scenario was over I was hiding my blushing face (I'm a blushing mess today), occasionally turning around slightly to see if Karma was blushing as much as I was. (He is, and my phone isn't within arm's reach. Where's a camera when you need one?!)

"W-Well that was fun." Karma said, still blushing.

What about it was fun? Watching my face become a tomato, or kissing me while trying to take my pocky?

"I'm glad I got that early Valentine's day gift, I can't wait to see what I get tomorrow." Karma said. "I'm sure it will be as sweet as you're lips~ Bye (Y/N)-chan!"

(A/N: I just realized that one part might be a little OOC...all well.)

After saying that, Karma left.

And now there's a new issue...

...No amount of chocolate truffles will top Karma's early Valentine's day gift...

To be continued.

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