Chapter 3: The Stranger's PA

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Seth Anderson ^^


The next morning Isabella got up early because it was Monday, the day of her interview at Anderson&Co. She couldn't help but feel nervous about the day ahead and if she would get the job or not. I better get the job. She thought. Sighing, she got up from her comfy bed and went inside the bathroom to shower. After showering for almost half an hour, she wrapped a pink towel around her and got out of the bathroom. After looking for 5 minutes, she finally settled on wearing a black pencil skirt with a full sleeved turquoise blouse. After getting dressed, she quickly pulled up her hair in a high sleek ponytail and did some makeup which included mascara and a little amount of pink lipstick which matched her complexion perfectly. She collected some files about her which could be possibly needed and went downstairs where Megan was dancing on a Taylor Swift song.

"Megan" she said but the music was so loud that Megan couldn't hear her.

"Megan!" She yelled this time which caused Megan to turn to face her and thankfully she stopped dancing

"What?" Megan whined

"Why are you dancing like a maniac?" Isabella asked

"Just getting some morning spirit, Izzy" Megan said while panting and Isabella chocked back a laugh
"Now come on! Eat breakfast. Wouldn't want you to be late for your interview" Megan aid while making her way towards the table which already had two bowls of cereals on it.

"Okay, mom" Isabella said with clear amusement in her eyes

"Good" Megan said with her hands rested on her hips

They both looked in each other's eyes for a moment and bursted out laughing. Megan was literally giving the best example of 'Rolling on the floor laughing' while Isabella had tears in her eyes.

"Okay, okay now eat your breakfast, Meg" Isabella said once they both calmed down.
They quickly had their breakfast and Isabella locked the main door once they both were out. They bid their goodbyes and Megan went away with one of her friend. Isabella wasted no time and started finding a cab. Soon she found a cab and gave the driver the address of Anderson&Co. It was a 20 minutes drive and she soon reached there. She got out of the cab and paid the driver. The cab drove away and she examined the surroundings because she had never been there. Everything was just nice and clean and there weren't much people outside and not to forget the huge building which was in front of her sight. There was written on in the big bold letters : Anderson&Co.

She went inside the building and the first thing she saw was the reception. She went towards the receptionist who was looking pretty busy in talking with someone on the phone and by which Isabella could hear, she guessed that the woman was talking about business. She waited for her to finish the call. She examined the woman in front of her. She had blonde hairs and hazel eyes. Her facial features seemed to be perfect and Isabella must say that she was a beautiful lady and she looked like she was in her early twenties.

The woman finally noticed Isabella and gave her a smile which Isabella returned. The woman hung up the phone.

"Hello" The woman said

"Hello, I am here for the interview. I was being called and came to know that Mr. Anderson needed a PA" Isabella said

"Oh yeah. If I am not wrong, you are Isabella Smith" The woman said while typing something on the computer in front of her

"Yes" Isabella said

"OK, Mr. Anderson is waiting for you. His office is on the 16th floor, the top floor. There is only one office on that floor and it is his' so it won't be difficult to find" The woman said

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