Chapter 36: To The Rescue

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A whole day had passed and Isabella was still tied up in that chair. There wasn't any weapon in the room so that she could cut the rope, the only way was to wiggle out from it which wasn't working. Stefan fed her with his own hands making her want to throw it up but she was really hungry and the food was the only way to stay her woke.

The area was abandoned and she knew they were the only people there making her scared than ever. It was night time and the only thing lighting up the room was moonlight but it wasn't enough as the room was still dark. Stefan was in another room probably sound asleep.

Isabella cried out in agony as it was really painful sitting in a chair for a whole day. She just wanted to get out of there and lie down somewhere so that the pain would ease. Her body was numb from sitting all day and she so wanted to ask Stefan if she could lie down somewhere but she had decided to not talk to him and was giving him the silent treatment.

Stefan told her that they were flying to London the next day which only increased her stress. That man was being unbelievable. She was stressing out about the whole situation so much thinking that what could possibly happen if she didn't run away from there at the moment.

Tears streamed down her face as she cried out loud. "Fuck!" She yelled at herself for being so careless and letting Stefan step in her house when she knew he screamed danger. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to Seth who would be in pain right now and cursing her. He gave her everything, not caring about the relation of boss and secretary between them and this is how she was paying him.


"What are we going to do?" Thiago asked as they all sat in the living room of Seth's penthouse

"We can track Isabella's phone!" Carson added

"Yeah but do you think she would still have her phone with her, she didn't even try to call us for help" Seth said rubbing his temples. He was worried about her whereabouts. Only when they were starting to live peacefully, all of this happened. He swore to himself he would chop that man into pieces when he'll find him

"We can still try" Thiago added

Seth agreed to both of them and they decided to track Isabella's phone. It was a chilly night when the three of them went searching for Isabella.

All of this tracking idea worked and they found Isabella's phone in the middle of nowhere  almost 3 km away form the town but the idea didn't work that much as her phone was lying in the middle of the road, and it's screen was cracked. Isabella probably tried to call someone for help and Stefan attacked her and the phone went flying out of the car's window. But still had to find Isabella anyhow. They kept going straight on the road as their was no sign of streetlights and they were still hoping for the best.


She kept blaming herself when suddenly she heard gunshots being fired around the abandoned building. She was alarmed wondering if they were being attacked. She closed her eyes hoping that the killer would think she's unconscious and would leave her. A little bit lame but it was the only thing she could think of at that time.

She heard footsteps nearing the room she was in and she shut her eyes tightly making sure that no noise was made due to her movements.

"Isabella" A familiar voice came and she opened her eyes finding Carson standing in front of her

"Huh? What are you doing here Carson?" Isabella asked him totally confused as to how did he find her because they were in an abandoned area

"Look, I'll tell you everything later, right now just come with me" Carson said as he untied her. She stood up from the chair and stretched her arms finally feeling good. "Come on" Carson said as he held her hand and they left the room.

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