Chapter 8: Spain? Spain.

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The day finally arrived. The day when Isabella was going to travel Spain with her boss. It was a cold February morning and Isabella was walking to the grocery store with Megan. The cold and chilly winds hitting her face and the coat she was wearing was only the thing which was keeping her warm. She called Jessica and asked her if she could babysit Megan for three days and she replied with a 'Yes'. There was no way she was going to leave Megan alone in the apartment, it would be a wreck if she left her alone there. Seth and Isabella were going to fly to Spain later that evening so Isabella got enough time to get ready and to do some grocery shopping. "Let's start it" Megan said and went towards the part of the store where snacks were stored. Typical Megan. Isabella decided to get some essential things like vegetables, butter, eggs, juices, fruits, wine and many more. Megan came back shortly with her hands full of packs of Doritos and Pop tarts.

They walked out of the grocery store after collecting the things they got from the store and started walking towards their apartment. They reached the apartment within 10 minutes, yes she counted. Once they got in the apartment, Isabella packed the remaining stuff in her small suitcase and took a long and warm shower. She decided to keep it natural yet classy so she wore a pair of black skinny jeans with a white blouse with black polka dots on it. She pulled up her hair in a ponytail and applied some eyeliner with a little lipstick. She grabbed her suitcase, a black blazer and her handbag and went downstairs as evening was already approaching. "Megan" She called out

"Yeah?" Megan said from the kitchen where she was eating Doritos. She can't even wait for a single moment and Doritos were her favorite so it didn't helped too.

"I will be leaving probably in a few minutes" Isabella said while pouring white wine in a glass. "And I have some instructions for you" She added

"What Izzy, You are going only for three days and you want me to follow your instructions and not enjoy these days" Megan whined

"Who said anything about enjoying? I am just saying that don't get in so much trouble at school and don't even leave the apartment without informing Jess and I don't want any complains-" Isabella started but was cut off by Megan.

"Okay, Okay. I understood everything, don't stress too much. Chill, will ya?" Megan said while munching her doritos. The doorbell rang and Megan went to open the door.

"Izzy, there is a hot specimen on the door and he is asking for you" Megan yelled causing Isabella to choke on her drink. She quickly wiped the wine off her mouth and went towards the main door. It would be probably Seth. She thought and man was she right. Indeed it was her boss, Seth Anderson standing wearing a black full sleeved T-shirt and black jeans. She saw him in his jeans for the first time.

"Um- Mr

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"Um- Mr. Anderson, would you like to come inside?" She asked Seth who looked amused by Isabella's little sister shamelessly checking him out while slowly eating her snacks. Isabella nudged Megan in her stomach, causing her to snap out of her dreamy state.

"Miss Smith, I am afraid that we don't have much time for that." Seth replied

"Okay, let me grab my things" Isabella said and went to grab her suitcase and handbag. She came back shortly. "My driver will take your suitcase to the car" Seth said and started walking towards the car.

"Bye, Megan. Be safe" Isabella said

"Bye, Izzy and enjoy your trip" Megan said and closed the door

Seth opened the door of the back seat of his Mercedes. Isabella slipped in the car with Seth beside her. The driver slipped in the driver's seat.
"Let's go, Miguel" Seth said to the driver who nodded and started the car. None of them talked and stayed in a comfortable silence through out the journey to the airport. They arrived shortly and got out of the car with Miguel following behind them with their luggage. They entered Seth's private jet. The insides of the jet were beautiful and decorated, with the colors mostly consisting of black and white.

"You may go now, Miguel" Seth said "Alright, Sir" Miguel said and went away, leaving their luggage.

"Isabella, meet the pilot of this jet, Alfio and Alfio, meet Isabella, my PA" Seth said and Isabella and Alfio greeted each other politely. Isabella sat down on a seat which was next to the window and took out her phone, scrolling through Twitter when she heard Seth say from her beside:

"Isabella, we'll be flying to Barcelona and it will be a 7 hour flight so you can take rest while I'll be doing my work" Couldn't he take another seat, it was his jet after all

"Yes, Miss Smith. I can take another seat but I don't want to. Besides, it's my jet after all" Seth said smirking

"Did I say that out loud?" Isabella asked, clearly embarrassed

"Yes, you did" Seth said "I am gonna do some work, you take rest" He added

"Okay, Sir" Isabella said and turned her face to the window. Not after a single second, she felt a hand on her wrist which caused her to turn around.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Seth outside work?" Seth said, dangerously close to Isabella which cause her breath to quicken. "Call me by my name okay? Or else-" He added but was soon cut off by his phone. Isabella let out a breath which she was holding.
What the hell just just happened? She thought.

Isabella shook her head to clear all the thoughts and decided to get some sleep because she was tired as well as to save herself from the awkwardness, which she would be probably facing after Seth will end the call.

Isabella opened her eyes because she was disturbed by someone shaking her shoulder. "We're here" Seth said and Isabella got up from her seat, fixing her hair and clothes in process. "Let's go" Seth said and they climbed out of the jet along with their luggage. Seth called someone, probably his driver and he came to pick them up in about 10 minutes. They climbed in the car and soon the drive started. The ride was comfortable as silence was spread in the car. Isabella looked out of the window, enjoying the beauty of Spain. It was a 30 minute ride before they reached Seth's pent house. The interior of the pent house looked expensive yet classy. It was well designed with furniture mainly consisting of black and brown colors along with white colored walls.

"You should go and get fresh, come to the kitchen once you are done, we'll eat something" Seth said and Isabella replied with an 'okay'

"Where's my room?" Isabella asked

"Go straight down the hall and you'll find two rooms, left one is yours while right one is mine" Seth replied

"Okay, thanks" Isabella said and went to her room. The walls of the room were cream colored with brown furniture.

She looked towards her luggage which had been placed in her room by one of the maids and said "let's start it" and with that, she started unpacking her stuff


Sorry for the late update, and I'm not gonna update these days. This is my last update before I go for my exams. I really need to get good grades. So I'll update in the month of April.


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