Chapter 38: Start to a New Life

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Isabella woke up hungry. Her stomach growled as she took in her surroundings and saw hospital walls and Seth lying in the bed peacfully. She had been with him all night and stayed there with him despite him convincing her to go home and get some rest. She refused and they both kept talking until Seth became tired and slept. She slept on the little sofa in the hospital room. Seth tried convincing her to sleep beside him but she wanted him to sleep peacefully and refused his offer.

Isabella stood up and walked towards Seth. She placed a little kiss on his forehead and went to get some food for both of them. It took her a little time to get back to his room because she was taking her time in picking food as hospital food was gross.

"I brought us some food!" She said excitedly but her excitement was gone as soon as she saw Seth's mother sitting beside him on a chair. She didn't want to look rude so she managed to pass her a small smile and a good morning to which she replied with a curt nod. Isabella ignored her and walked towards Seth who winked at her making her smile.

"There's no need for this, I already brought my son some food from home" She said without even looking at Isabella. She replied with an 'oh' and left them alone in the room. Seth passed her an apologetic smile on her way outside.

"How am I going to deal with this woman" She thought as she walked outside. That woman was getting on her nerves and she couldn't even do anything about it except fake smiling at her every time she saw her. Isabella was never the one to be rude with anyone she was always polite and sweet but that woman's attitude made her think like that. She had to deal with her nicely beacuse she was Seth's mother.

"Why are you keeping that dirtbag around you?" Angelina asked once Isabella was out of sight

"Who?" Seth asked, too busy munching the delicious food his mom brought

"That secretary of yours" She said

"Mom! She is not just my secretary, she is my girlfriend and she's certainly not a dirtbag. She is beautiful and polite with a nice personality."

"Girlfriend? Haha I'll make sure she won't stay around you anymore"

"Mom, please don't do something that you would regret" Seth said, angered by his mother's choice of words. He knew how she was like and he knew it that she would not accept Isabella easily beacuse she wasn't rich like them. She was always trying to set her son up with the daughters of their business partners but Seth only saw them as a one night stand and nothing else. He knew how his mother would try to hurt Isabella with her words so that she would leave him but he wouldn't let that happen

"But son, I'm doing this for your own good. You can get any girl you want! There are so many pretty and rich models out there for you then why are you even dating that girl" Angelina said in a softer tone trying to persuade him

"Mom, I don't want to hear any of this and I'm asking this nicely please don't try to hurt Isabella with your words because I'm not planning to leave her ever" Seth replied in a calmer tone

"You'll regret dating that dirtbag!" Angelina shouted and walked outside the room. She gave Isabella an icy cold glare on her way.

Isabella walked inside Seth's room after knocking. He was still eating, poor boy must be hungry and tired from eating the hospital food, sje thought.

"Did you have a fight your mom? She looked angry"

"Yes but it wasn't something big, don't worry" Seth replied and motioned her to sit beside him

"You know I won't ever leave you right?" Seth asked her randomly as she sat beside him

"Um yes" Isabella replied in a confused state as to why he was talking like that "Why do you ask?"

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