Chapter 12: Elaina, the B-witch

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I wanted to thank you guys for supporting and appreciating my book, it has reached 22K! Isn't it amazing? Thanks again everyone, I'm not going to mention anyone's name but you guys know that I have every single one of you in my heart ;) Now continue reading the next chapter. A bit of emotional scene down there.

25th April, a dreadful day in Isabella's and Megan's life, the day on which everything changed, good persons changed into bad, the day their mother died. She left these two girls alone to face the evils of the world, the day their lives turned upside down, the day on which they lost everything.

The following day was the death anniversary of Isabella's and Megan's mother, Sophie. The day itself felt gloomy and Isabella felt the same loneliness in her heart as she felt on the day when her mother left her and her baby sister. Isabella cried under the covers of her bed and she knew somewhere in the house Megan would be crying too. She loved her mother with all her heart and the news of the death of her mother, crashed her world. The pain, the numbing pain still felt fresh but she had to get up and face the world as she did few years back as she was told by her precious mother.

"I miss you, Mama" Isabella sobbed as she hugged the pillow close to her body, wishing that her mom would come back.

She got up from her bed with tears in her eyes and walked into Megan's room to find her staring at the wall, blankly.

"Megan?" Isabella called out for her, with a broken voice

"Yeah?" Megan replied, fresh tears visible in her eyes too

"Come on, let's have breakfast" Isabella said and Megan got up

"Why, Izzy? Why it had to be us? Why someone else's mother couldn't have died? Are we that bad? I know I was just a small girl when she left us but still, it pains me whenever I think about her blur smile which flashes in my mind, why Isabella? Why?" Megan sobbed as she hugged Isabella.

"Shh, Megan she is in a better place now, she is watching us and she won't be too happy if she would see you like this? Remember what she said? She said that My girls are strong and I have believe in them, she advised us to be strong, remember? So we need to be strong for her okay?" Isabella comforted her sister

"Yes" Megan said and pulled away

"Come on, let's have breakfast and then we'll visit the cemetery, then I have to go to work too" Isabella said, walking towards the kitchen

After breakfast, they decided to visit the cemetery. Isabella bought two bouquets of flowers from the florist and gave one to Megan. They found the grave of their mother.

Sophie Berlynn Smith (1972-2005)

Isabella placed her bouquet on her mother's grave and Megan did the same.

"Hi, Mom" Isabella said, smiling "See I'm not crying as I promised you so" she continued, holding back the tears in her eyes.

"Hi, Mama" Megan greeted, a tear rolling down her cheek "Mom, you know that I'm getting good grades, I've got a boyfriend too mom, his name's Tyler, he takes care of me" She continued sitting down on the beside the grave

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