Chapter 31: Friend Trouble

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Feeling nervous, Isabella stepped inside the company with Seth. Their hands were enterwined and her eyes were fixed on the floor, she couldn't even dare to look up and face the shocked faces of people. Murmerings were heard as soon as they came in sight, some faces were smiling, some shocked  while Seth's fan club girls were glaring at Isabella.

"May I steal your girlfriend for a minute?" Ellie asked as soon as she saw Seth and Isabella entering the company. Her mouth was still slightly parted at their enterwined hands while Carson was standing across from her smirking with a I-told-you-so look in his eyes.

"Sure" Seth said as he un enterwined his hand from hers and walked away.

"What was that?" Ellie asked

"Uh what?" Isabella asked pretending to be unsure of what just happened

"Don't play dumb with me woman, are you guys together?" Ellie asked

"Uh yeah" Isabella replied and Ellie fist pumped in the air.

"I knew it!" She said and hugged Isabella "I'm so happy for you, you're finally going to get laid" Isabella smacked her arm while glaring at her.

"Well, hello future sister in law!" Carson exclaimed and Isabella instantly turned beetroot red, she knew he was just playing around with her but the idea of her and Seth tied in a bound called marriage was a whole different thing.

"Hello to you too, where have you been? It's been a whole month since I last saw you" Isabella said

"Well, you can say that something was keeping me busy" He said smirking towards Ellie

"Something or someone" Isabella said nudging Ellie in her arm

"Don't tease me, Bella. It's you we are talking about here!" Ellie complained

"Ell, I'm getting late I'll tell you everything at lunch"

"Okay fine but don't you dare even miss a single thing" Ellie said

"I will tell you everything, bye" Isabella said and walked towards the elevator.

Seth had picked her up from her house earlier that morning, he even brought a rose for her which was indeed very sweet. Her grandma and Megan were asleep so they didn't know he came and she didn't even tell them about this whole thing. They had breakfast in Starbucks and then came to the company together, hand in hand.

She walked out of the elevator and walked towards her desk as she settled her things in their usual place. She opened the first drawer to take out the files when she saw a sticky note laying there.

You didn't reply my text properly so I thought you would like these sticky notes thing__ Stefan

Isabella sighed out loud as she crumpled the sticky note. She was trying her best to avoid Stefan but he was also trying his best to get back into her life which she wanted but didn't at the same time. Things would be complicated for them and she knew if he would confess his feelings for again then Seth would explode. But the question wandering around in her mind was how did Stefan even come to know that she worked here as Seth's PA. She put her head in her hands and thought about who could possibly tell him? Then it hit.

Megan or Penelope.

She texted Megan if it was her free period so she could call her without disturbing her in the class and the reply came instantly saying yes.

"Hello, Izzy. Is everything alright?" Megan asked, she was the one who called.

"Yes Meg, everything is alright" Isabella said as she stood up from her chair.

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