Chapter 28: The Talk

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Reached #6 in romance, thanks everyone xx. And 1M reads woah! Thank you guys so much, I love every single one of you.

The kiss was amazing but the thoughts invading Isabella's mind were scary. What if he would be gone after taking what he want from her and the main problem was what would people think if they ever found out the relation between them which was restricted as he was her boss. She put her hands onto his chest in attempt to push him away lightly. He pulled back, his eyes widening in process. This was the first time she pushed him away when they were kissing.

"W-we can't do this" She said looking down to her feet, suddenly finding them the most interesting thing in the entire world

"Why?" His voice was hoarse and it only took Isabella her conscience to not to grab him and kiss the life out of this man.

"Y-you know the reason. You're my boss and I'm your employee" Realization settled in him as those words left Isabella's mouth causing him to pull away abruptly. Isabella couldn't comprehend why it hurt when his hands slipped away from her waist and he pulled back scratching the back of his neck. But she had to control herself and her hormones because whatever was happening between them wasn't right and in the end she would just end up with a broken heart as he was not into relationships and he would find someone more beautiful and intelligent than her, leaving her all empty and alone so she decided not to get too close to him and not let her walls down in front of him. This was what her mind said but her heart screamed at her and wanted her to go near him and hug the life out of him and not to leave him but she remained at her place.

"You're right" He said and her heart clenched at his words. How stupid of her to believe him and trust him thinking that he would never leave and hurt her. Tears threatened to spill out from her eyes and she used all of her courage to push them back.

"Y-you should leave" She choked out but actually she wanted him to stay and spend the night in his arms but we don't always get what we want.

"Yeah" He said. Grabbing his phone and car keys, he left her room. After a minute or so, she heard the main door slam meaning he left. She sobbed out, she missed his presence but now she would have to maintain her distance from him as she could not fall into his trap or whatever she liked to call it. The rest of the night spent in sleeping.

The noise of someone calling out Isabella's name more like yelling at the top of their lungs ruined Isabella's sleep. She groaned and stretched like every other day when suddenly her eyes widen in horror.

"I live alone" She whispered to herself as the reality sank in of who could be there this early in her house, yelling. She crept out of her bed slowly, and quickly grabbed her straighter from the dressing table, not forgetting to plug it in. Yeah, she would burn the burglar to death.

She opened her room's door, expecting to hear some noises and she heard someone's laugh. She grasped her straightener tightly, ready to attack the person.

"DON'T EVEN THINK OF-" She started but was soon cut off as she saw saw the people standing in front of her. She quickly put away the straightener and ran towards them.

"Nana" She whispered, hugging her maternal grandmother who came to visit them after a long time and was settled in California.

"Megan, how are you?" She asked as she hugged her sister.

"I'm fine but Izzy, why did you look like you were ready to attack us?" Megan asked, referring to the straightener which was in her hands just a few minutes ago.

"I thought you guys were burglars" Megan had the keys to the apartment

"Anyways, Nana, I missed you so much" Isabella said

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