Chapter 6

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'WENDY RUN AWAY WITH ME I KNOW IT SOUNDS CRAZY DONT YOU SEE-' my alarm went so I got out of bed and walked over to my phone and swiped off my alarm.

"Good morning princess." I heard a sweet voice say.

"Good morning." I replied. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Next to you? Of corse I did." She replied and walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"You have a wonderful bed head, let me sort it out for you." I said and I wrapped my fingers in her hair and kissed her softly and she kissed me back.

After a few minutes of kissing she pulled away. "Well, we better get ready for school." Charlotte said.

"Yes Miss. Belle."  I replied.

"It turns me on when you say that you know?" She whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back.

"Good." I replied and smiled devilishly.

"Anyway we have 45 minutes until we need to leave the house so I suggest we get ready and stop getting turned on." She said and we both giggled.

"How did you know I was turned on?" I asked.

"I just know." She whispered again then she kissed my cheek and walked over to her clothes that were scattered over the floor and started to get changed so I did the same.

After we were dressed, put our make up on,( I only wear mascara so i get ready so much quicker) had our hair done and our stuff ready for school we drank a coffee, grabbed our stuff and got in her car.

"Okay so what we did last night was illegal and we both know that." She said.

"You're having second thoughts?" I asked.

"No, no definitely not Brooke I was just thinking that we were going to have to be careful. Both of us are. You could get expelled and I could go to jail and lose my job. I'm your teacher and we had sex last night and I like you a lot but we can't tell anyone about it or make anything obvious. It's risky but if you feel the same way then I'm sure we could make it work.. We will make it work." She replied.

"Only by one year I'm going to be 18 in 6 months, then we're free to be together in public. If this continues." I said.

"Okay then we'll just have to be very careful for those next 6 months." She said and then put the keys into the ignition and set off.

We didn't talk very much on the journey so it left me too my thoughts. Maybe this was a bad idea and we should just hold it off until I was 18. No the urge would be too hard. But what if we get caught? We can make an excuse to make it look like it wasn't what it looked like. We would be fine I'm sure and after all I really like her.

About 45 minutes later we parked up into the school car park 20 minutes before the bell for the start of school rang.

"Thanks Miss. Belle." I said with a smirk on my face.

"No problem Brooke the student." She replied with a bigger smirk on her face causing me to grin.

"Haha very funny." I replied and then I playfully punched her arm.

"Ouch!" She said and pretended to act hurt.

"Come on you're a PE teacher and you have a brilliant body shape." I said and winked causing her to blush.

"Aw cute. Anyway Brooke are you playing the netball game at school tonight?" She asked.

"Of corse I am." I replied.

"Do you want a lift home tonight again?" She asked.

"If that would be okay with you Miss I would love a lift home." I replied and smiled.

Meeting Miss. Belle (teacherxstudent) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now