Chapter 15

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*Jazes POV*

After being woken up by Brooke FaceTiming me asking if I wanted to go stay at hers tonight, I got out of bed and started to run a nice, cold shower to wake me up. I hope she's okay, last night when she skyped us she seemed pretty.. Worried about Miss belle but I guess we and her can talk about that tonight over a few drinks.

After I broke myself out of my train of thought I grabbed my towel and got into the icy water that was falling from my big silver shower head.

My shower lasted for about ten minutes before I got out, dried myself, applied moisturiser then went into my room to get myself dressed. I picked out my dark blue skinny dungarees and my long sleeved lion king top and got dressed into that, pairing it with some dark blue socks that had white frills on the top and some blue pumps.

After I was dressed I dried my hair and as I dried it it started to become naturally wavy as usual. I liked my hair. I'd recently got it ombrèd or whatever you call it a caramel, blonde colour and I've got to say I'm pretty happy with the results. I did my make up then I packed my bags, grabbed my phone and went downstairs to eat my breakfast then get a bus up to Brookes.

I had a pan eu chocolate for breakfast and a cup of tea which is my favourite drink ever!

After eating my breakfast and drinking my tea I left the house, locked it up then shoved my headphones in and walked down the road to get on the bus.

Suddenly I felt my pace quicken. I looked slightly to my left but not enough for the short woman with scruffy black hair and the sassy body stance could see me and recognise me. Damn.. No.. It's her. I kept my head down and turned my music up until I got out of her sight before she noticed me. Phew that was close. And this is the reason I really want to move house.

*Brookes POV*

It was 11:04 when Jaz showed up at my doorstep and I've got to say she looked pretty shaken up so I took her over night bag and brought it upstairs to my bedroom as she took her shoes off and went into the kitchen to make me a coffee and her a tea. This is when I knew something was definitely up.. She wanted to talk about something as much as I needed to talk to her about me and Charlotte.

When the drinks were made we sat down at my kitchen table and I took a sip of my coffee before clearing my throat to grab her attention.

"Hey, what's up? I noticed you looked pretty shaken when you got to my house and you've been kinda of been.. Well away with the fairies" I said nervously.

"Just kinda bumped into you know who on the way, she didn't see me but it shuck me up and scared me.. kinda." I said scratching the back of her neck

"Ah right. That sucks Jaz.. It must be horrible for you having to go out in fear." I said getting up and going to hug her. "she hasn't said anything in the past three years and you bump into her quite a lot so I doubt she would say or do anything to you.. Especially on the streets. She's a coward."

"Yeah I know it's just the thought and the memories." I replied taking a sip of her tea then hugging me back.

"Yeah, you're free to stay at mine anytime you want." I replied.

"Wouldn't your mum mind?" She asked. "Where is your mum Brooke?"

Jaz didn't know.. I was too embarrassed to tell her that she technically abandoned me at a very young age.

"She's out on a business trip again." I replied. This was technically true it's just she never came back from the last one.

"Oh right. Thanks for the offer I'll have to come over for a bit so you don't get lonely." She said and smiled.

I smiled back and walked back to my seat and took a sip of my coffee because the ambiance became kind of awkward.. before she dropped the question.

"So, what's happening between you and.. Miss belle?" She asked curiously and gave me a weak smile.

"I don't know." I said breaking down into tears.

"So has she gone to Spain now?" Jaz asked grabbing my hand to hold it and give it a light squeeze just to say it'll be okay in the end.

"Yeah she has.. With some guy called John. At the same time as my mother." I sobbed. I didn't know someone could tear me apart as quickly as she did and it kind of enraged me.. I let her so close so quickly.

"Oh Brooke.. Don't worry." She said giving me another weak smile and another squeeze on my hand. "I'm sure it's not like that.. She could be going away with just a friend like we always planned to do and I mean she's made it kinda clear with you that she likes girl."

"She could be Bi or straight and just screwing me around?  Or maybe still in the closet as a lesbian? I could be her later on in life experiment." I said giggling at the last bit.

"Geez Brooke she's like 25 she's basically still in uni." Jaz laughed.

"I guess." I said wiping away the tears and laughed.

The rest of the conversation was just about pointless stuff.

After we drank our drinks and had some pizza and chips for lunch we decided to go out for a little walk so we could talk about more pointless things.

Meeting Miss. Belle (teacherxstudent) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now