Chapter 20

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I froze. I didn't know what to do, my own gir- ex girlfriend had left me for my own mother. This was a drastic change in events.
"Brooke, this is Anastasia. My new partner." Charlotte said as a smirk appeared on her cute little freckled face. Damn it, why did I have to fall in love with such an insensitive, insecure, narcissistic little cow?!
"Um, hello mum.. how- um, how are you?" I said trying to clear the lump that had just formed in my throat.
"Oh, Brooke. It's you." She replied in an unpleasant tone. "I'm good."
"Good." I replied and a tear formed in my left eye. I left it there as I thought it would be less obvious if I didn't move my arm to wipe it away but as I tried to crack a smile, the raindrop like tear started to fall from my eyes.
"I don't have time for this Brooke!" My mother started to shout. "All your life you've been nothing but a sensitive mess. You've done nothing for me! You're just wasting my money over there. You're not even happy to see me! You should show your mother some respect and at least try to be happy for me as I create my new life! As I create my new life without you in it!"
"As we create OUR new life without you in it." Charlotte corrected her whilst emphasising the word 'our'.
"And by that I will be stopping your cash income, you'll have to get a job if you want to look after yourself. Also I've sold the house so you'll have to be out within the next two days." She smirked. "Was there anything else? Oh yes, have a nice life."
Charlotte clicked the end button. I guess that was the end of that then.
I sat on my bed for a while staring into space, as if there was anything left here for me anyway. I didn't know what to do, nowhere close was hiring and I couldn't afford a car. The only cash I had left was the £70 left from what my mum last gave me and that wasn't going to last me long, especially because I'll soon be living on the streets.
I guess I could ask Jaz or someone if I could stop at there's for a while but that was only a temporary solution to an extremely permanent problem but I decided to wait it out and give her a call once my two days were over.
"Hey, Jaz." I said as she answered the phone.
"How could you do that?!" She screamed at me. "You're really selfish Brooke. I hope you know that!"
"Jaz calm down, please. What are you on about?" I asked quietly.
"You should know exactly what I'm on about! Emily just told me what you'd done and I didn't know you could stoop so low! I thought you cared about us but for you to go to the principal and report an illegal relationship between Emily and Charlotte! That's just awful, especially because we know it was you fooling around with her! Emily is under enquiry by the police and it's going to come out in the end you know so I hope you're prepared. Also I hope the guilt eats you alive! Don't call me again. Never speak to me, or any of my friends again!" She shouted and hung up the phone.
I had no idea what she was on about. Jaz was my best friend and had been for years, I can't believe she thinks I'd do such a thing.
Why would I report something that I was guilty of? Maybe it was Charl? But then again why would she report something that would get herself into trouble? I don't know what's going to happen now but whatever it is, I know it's not going to end well for me or Charlotte.

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