Chapter 14

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*Charlottes POV*

I woke up at 7:30 on the day of my flight.
"Sugar" I muttered while rubbing my eyes. I had woken up half an hour later then planned.
I went into the spare room and woke John as he had stayed the night at mine and also slept in. I informed him that we only had half an hour before we need to set off.
I showered and did my hair and make up before picking up my bag and grabbing some sandwiches that I had made for me and John the previous night, grabbing my keys and locked up the house in a hurry. We then got into my car with all our stuff and drove off to go to the airport.

*Brookes POV*

I hadn't slept at all last night. The thought of Charlotte going on holiday with a man which could be a possible boyfriend bothered her quite a lot seen as though they kind of had a thing together.
"For god sake.." I muttered under my breath. "I never made anything official between the two of us so technically it wouldn't be cheating and technically she could be talking and dating other people at the same time." I groaned at the thought of this. I was so stupid. I never actually made her mine which means she's free to other people.
I laid in bed for a little longer before I woke up, grabbed my phone and decided to make myself a coffee just so I wouldn't be too sleepy today.
After my coffee was made I got myself a bowl of honey Cheerios and decided I would attempt to FaceTime Jaz despite the fact it was about 9am.. Charlottes flight was in an hour. Should I call Jaz or call Charlotte? Would I like the answer? What if I could hear John in the background?
And with those thoughts in my head I decided to call Jaz and ask her if she wanted to sleep over tonight so we could have some time to talk because me and her were the closest out of all my friends.. She was my best friend.
The phone only rang twice before a grumpy, sleepy Jaz answered the FaceTime call with a very sleepy "good morning"
"Jaz do you wanna sleep over tonight because we need to talk and spend some time together" I asked.
"Sure, I'll be over in 2 hours Okayy?" She replied.
"Okayy I'll see you then and don't you dare go back to sleep and be late." I said causing her to laugh.
"Okay I won't. See you at 11ish" she said and hung up.
I still had time to call charlotte before her flight set off but as much as I needed to talk to her my thoughts kept getting the best of me and stopping me every time.

Meeting Miss. Belle (teacherxstudent) (girlxgirl)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum