Chapter 9

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Once we had driven back to my house I made us pizza and chips for tea then we snuggled up on the sofa and watched an episode of orange is the new black.
"It's late do you want to go to bed?" Charlotte asked.
"If you want." I yawned.
"Let's go up then." She said kissing me head.
We walked up to my bedroom and then she started to get changed. I couldn't help but stare. She was perfect. Everything about her just seemed to amaze me. Her body, her personality, just everything was perfect.

"I know you're staring at me." She said.

"How do you know?" I replied.

"It's obvious, you never take your eyes off me." She said.

"Oh, umm, well..." I blushed.

"It's fine." She giggled.

"I was just appreciating." I replied.

"Okay." She said then walked
over to me and kissed me.

"Can I watch you get into your pjs and 'appreciate' it?" She asked and kissed me again.  "I guess that would only be fair." I giggled and got into my pjs.

"You appreciated enough?" I asked once I got changed.

"Just about." She replied and then got into bed.

"Good." I replied then turned out the light and got into bed with her.

"Goodnight miss. Belle." I said and kissed her nose.

"Oh shush." She replied and kissed me gently and curled up into the little foetus position that she sleeps in.

Only a few minutes later I knew she had fallen asleep because her breathing softened and eventually a few cute, faint snores escaped her mouth.

"Cutie." I muttered then curled up and fell asleep next to her.

Meeting Miss. Belle (teacherxstudent) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now