Chapter 11

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  Maybe I was just overthinking the fact that Charlotte was going to Spain and had never mentioned it before.. If I was going abroad I would be so goddamn excited I would never shut up about it. Maybe she was cheating on me with someone else, maybe it was with my mother? I mean it made perfect sense.. The perfect scandal. Something that'd happen in the movies, something to make it interesting. No I'm being stupid. Charlotte said she really liked me, she's risking her career for me, us.
Those thoughts took over me for the rest of the day and before I could think of anything else the bell rang for the end of school and I walked to the PE department to meet Charlotte for my lift home.

"Hey." I said as Charlotte passed me.

"Um, hey Brooke." She replied.

"You ready to go?" I said.

"Sure I'll just be a minute I need to make a quick phone call." She said and walked out of the doors.

Something was up. But what? Why was she acting so weird all of a sudden?

"Okay John I'll come home straight after school so we can pack." I heard Charlotte say through the doors after my thoughts had almost eaten me alive.. John? Who's John and why is she going on holiday with him? Maybe he's just a friend. Hopefully.

The thought of Charlotte cheating on me honestly tore me apart. The only person that loved me.. Well I thought she did anyway.

"Ready to go?" Charlotte said as the poked her head around the door.

"Sure." I mumbled and walked towards her looking at the floor. I couldn't look her in the eyes. If I did I would probably cry because at this moment in time I could feel each and every part of my heart shatter into thousands of tiny pieces.

We didn't talk much on the journey home and when she dropped me off it was a quick good bye and peck on the lips and then I got out the car and
she drove off.. Back to John.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oooooooooooo damnnnn what's going to happen next ••

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