Chapter 19

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Jaz left an hour or so later, leaving me to my thoughts and feeling about Charlotte, I don't know why but I was nervous, I had a bad feeling about it; something just didn't seem right so I decided to try and Skype her.
it rang for what seemed to be forever before it finally started to connect.
"Hey baby." Charlotte said as her camera started to focus.
"You ignore me for what seems to be forever. And all I get is a 'hey baby'?! no explication, no nothing?! I was worried sick! you haven't answered my calls or my texts or anything!" I shouted, bursting into tears.
"Hey hey shush now. I'm sorry I broke my phone and didn't have your Skype address saved to my laptop. I tried everything I could to contact you but nothing seemed to work. I tried your home phone but it didn't ring through. Honestly darling you have to believe me I tried. I tried." She said but her expression stayed blank.
"Do you care?" I asked, tears now streaming down my face.
"Of course I do gorgeous." She said. "What makes you think I don't?"
"You're expression, It's blank. You're showing no emotion even though I'm sat here in tears on the phone to you. You're expression is blank. You don't care about me. You never have and you never will." I shouted. I don't know why I'm so angry with her, wait no I- I do. She doesn't care about me. I gave her everything.
"Look darling it's not that I didn't care it's just I came out here with my good friend. My GAY good friend." She said emphasising the word gay. "And you see it was only for a short holiday but then, you see, how do I put this?"
"Hmm I don't know. How would you?" I said stubbornly. I knew where this was going.
"I met someone else, my age, no complications and no sneaking around and Brooke you see it's really really nice to be able to walk down the street holding the person you loves hand." She said blankly.
"You love her?" I asked, startled.
"Yes Brooke. I do." She said scratching the back of her neck. "I've um, quit my teaching job at your school and I'm planning on staying here. I'm um moving in with her."
"Moving in with her? Hm I see. Okay." I said wiping away the tears. "I guess it makes our lives a lot less complicated."
"Yes it does, and no matter what happens you can't tell anyone about what we had. Because as much trouble as it'd get me in, it'd drag down your reputation as well." She said with a smirk on her face. It felt like someone had shot a hole through my heart, what we had meant nothing to her. I was just a hook up.
"Okay. Hm yeah okay well I guess have a nice life?" I muttered.
"Baby." A familiar voice said coming from the background of Charlottes side of the call.
"Yes hunny." Charlotte replied.
And with that a tall woman walked onto camera. It was my mother.

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