The Man

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*Two Days Before*

                The man laughed to himself. The girl didn't even know he was watching her. She didn't know that as she was walking home from the bus, he was watching her every flawless move. He could tell by the dullness of her eyes and the sorrow look on her face that she was upset. Probably mommy and daddy problems. As he watched her house, he noticed that her parents fought constantly. Her dad probably beats his wife and maybe even the girl. Who knows what really goes on behind the thick brick walls in her house.

              The father was a police officer so he could easily overpower his wife and daughter. Who knew? He focused his attention back on the girl. He couldn't see how that boy who was walking with her liked her when she was that vulnerable. Most teenage guys hated girls like that, too much attachment All they wanted was to get laid, not deal with emotions. Typical teenage boys.

              He laughed again because he knew the answer. She was extremely pretty. She had beautiful long blonde hair that blew in the wind as she walked. Her sparkling blue eyes could melt through anyone. He knew he wanted her and that he needed to get her. He was sure that few people would miss her; she wasn't very popular at school and didn't have a lot of friends. Her parents weren't even really home. He knew this because he watched the house like a hawk watches its prey.

             He would be there whenever he could. He would switch from her school to her home. The funny part was that she never has seen him and doesn't expect a thing. The man continued to watch her from a reasonable distance until she went into her house. He slowly crept up to the house and watched from the outside. She went upstairs and that was his cue to leave. He couldn't see her anymore so he would leave and come back later.

             The man got into his car and sped off. He continued to drive until he reached the woods which were about twenty miles or so from her house. He drove on into a ditch where there were woods all around him. He parked his car about a mile or so away from the entrance of the woods so no one would see it. He wasn't sure how he was so lucky to find an easy place to hide his car. He could get in and out quickly because the first mile or so was just bushes and small trees. His car was now blending in with the woods.

             He even threw some leaves over the car. He couldn't risk it being spotted. Then his plan would never work. Once the car was fully disguised, he started to walk through the woods. After about three miles or so, the man reached an abandoned cabin. He made sure that the lights were never on and the outside had chipped paint. He made sure the place looked abandoned. Overgrown vines covered the sides of the house and the stone steps leading to the house were nearly broken. He walked into the cabin and turned on the light. He had always been good with construction and that's what was great about this cabin.

            He smiled at the house because it was his three-year masterpiece. Of course, he hadn't built the actual cabin but what was under the cabin was all him. He walked down the cabin's basement stairs that creaked as he walked down them until he was in the musty, cold basement. He slipped on his black leather jacket over his plain white shirt that covered his flat washboard abs. He went to the far corner of the basement where there was a bookshelf.

            He grinned at the case and took out a key. He inserted it in the side of the bookcase, where even he could barely see the key slot. He turned the slot and the book case opened, revealing the entrance. The bookshelf hid his masterpiece.  Even if the police ever found this place, they would never find the secret place. He walked in the walkway and shut the bookcase behind him.

               He turned on the lights and there was his real home. The living room, bathroom, and six different rooms with bathrooms in them. It was a house under a house. He sat down on the living room couch and turned on his TV. On the TV, there were the six different rooms. In each room, he observed each girl who was in each room. They were his and he loved being in control. He loved having power. He had taken five girls right now and Kelly Hunter would be the sixth victim of his.

               Most of the girls he had taken were because of their parents. The man's friend was sentenced to life in jail, he was the man's partner and sadly, got caught. The two men had so many great times together and seeing his friend locked behind bars infuriated the man. He wanted revenge, he needed it. He stared into each room, smirking at his accomplishments.

               He had taken Jessica Powers, who was in the first room because she was just pretty and more of a practice kidnapping before he went and kidnapped the girls that mattered. In the second room, Courtney Finder laid on her bed. The little twelve year old had to suffer here because her mom was the judge that had sentenced the man's friend to life in prison.

                Then there was Brooklyn Williams, who was taken because her father had shot the man when his friend was caught. It stung like a bitch and made getting away harder, but still manageable. Anna Murphy was just like Jessica, a practice kidnapping. He wanted to make sure his skills were perfect before he kidnapped Kelly. She is the only girl that he wanted more than ever and that was because of many reasons. The final girl that he had taken was Faith Hanks. She was here because her mom was the one who figured out the man's and his friend's kidnapping and murder plan for so many different girls. Her mom screwed everything up, causing the man's friend to get caught.

             The last room was empty and was reserved for Kelly. Her dad was the man who officially arrested the man's friend. If you couldn't tell, the man held grudges. Maybe after a while, he would make a demand for his friend to be released for the girls return. So many thoughts for a man of twenty and so many crimes committed. No one would ever catch him; he was just too careful and smart. He had a plan, a perfect one. 


Here's the second chapter that I had edited and changed from the original, hope you enjoyed. Please comment and vote, thanks!!! :D

Kidnapped (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang